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luokka, käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, asiasana, paikkaKasite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: joet


AAT-näkymä Paikka, miljöö
Iconclass-tunnus 25 H 21 3
Kaunokki-tunnus 43879
agcx rivers
cc C80 ymparistonsuojelu
definedConcept Y1538
fte rivers, streams
id 300008707
koodi 43879
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
laajempi käsite riverine bodies, water course
label joki
label joki
liittyy 'by the rivers of Babylon ...' ~ the Hebrews in Captivity lamenting by the riverside, (5) Herkules puhdistaa Augiaan tallit johtamalla sinne Alfeios- ja Peneos-virrat, Alexander is being rescued from drowning in the river Cydnus, Ascalaphus changed into a screech-owl: as punishment for discovering she had eaten some pomegranates, Proserpina sprinkles water from the Phlegethon on Ascalaphus' head, thus changing him into a screech-owl (Ovid, Metamorphoses V 543), Cupid dipping his torch in the river Lethe: Amor Lethus; or in the river Selemnus, David chooses five smooth stones from a river ~ story of David and Goliath, Elijah and Elisha conversing on their way to the Jordan, Elijah and Elisha stop by the bank of the Jordan; Elijah rolls up his cloak and strikes the water with it: the water divides, Elisha picks up Elijah's cloak and goes back to the Jordan, Evenus, in desperation, after killing his horses throws himself into the river that bears his name, Ezekiel in the river formed by the miraculous spring in the temple, Hadeksen virrat, Herkules ampuu Nessoksen, kentaurin, joka yrittää viedä Deianeiran mukanaan, Horatius Cocles at the Pons Sublicius: single-handed he keeps the Etruscans at bay while the bridge is broken down by the Romans behind him; he escapes by jumping into the Tiber, House of Sleep: a gloomy cave through which runs the river Lethe; possibly with two gates, one of ivory through which deceptive dreams issue, and one of horn through which true dreams issue, Jeremiah buries the linen girdle in a hole of a rock near the Euphrates, Joseph drops wheat in the river, Juturna withdraws from the battle and dives into a stream, Kristuksen kaste Jordan-joessa: Johannes Kastaja kaataa vettä Kristuksen päähän: Pyhä Henki laskeutuu alas, Midas washes away the fatal gift in the river Pactolus, Moses is exposed in the ark on the banks of the Nile; Miriam, Moses' sister, keeps watch, Naaman comes to the Jordan, dips himself seven times and is cured, Neptune assumes the form of the river Enipeus to seduce Tyro, and makes a wave curl over and conceal them, Romulus and Remus, twin sons of Rhea Silvia by Mars, are thrown into the Tiber by order of Amulius, Saul lying in ambush in a dry river-bed before the city of Amalek, St. Crispin and Crispinian are thrown into the river with millstones round their necks, but are miraculously saved, St. Dominic rescues pilgrims who were drowning in the river Garonne, St. Florian is thrown into the river with a millstone round his neck, St. John Nepomuk is thrown into the river Moldau from a bridge, St. Rumbold's luminous body is discovered in the river, St. Ursula and her companions travelling by boat on the Rhine, Tobias washes his feet in the river Tigris, Turnus is cut off by the Trojans, but escapes by plunging into the river, at Gilead, at the borders of the Jordan, the two and a half tribes build a large altar (Reubenites, Gadites, half of Manasseh's tribe), at the river Jordan the fleeing Ephraimites are killed when they pronounce Shibboleth as Sibboleth, bridge in village across river, canal, etc., by order of Jeremiah, Seraiah casts the book with Jeremiah's prophecy of the destruction of Babylon into the Euphrates, after having bound a stone to it (Jeremiah 51:63), death of Lucius Aelius Sejanus: after being executed, his body is torn to pieces by the people of Rome and thrown into the Tiber, fourth vision of Daniel, at the river Hiddekel (Daniel 10-12), joet, maiden, alueiden, vuorien, jokien, jne. maantieteelliset nimet, maisema, jossa silta, viadukti tai akvedukti, near a river Paul and Silas preach to the women of Philippi, paratiisin neljä jokea (virraten lähteestä), portrait of Alexander cut out of Mount Athos, representing him holding a town in one hand, and pouring a river from the other hand, shepherds retrieve Zenobia, queen of Iberia, from the water and bring her back to life; Zenobia's husband, Rhadamistus, fearful of her falling into the hands of his enemies, had stabbed her and thrown her body into the river, silta (kaupungissa joen, kanavan tms. yli), sorrows of Psyche: she is saved by the river from drowning, tears of Marsyas' friends changed into River Marsyas: when Marsyas' friends weep over Marsyas, flayed alive by Apollo, their tears change into the river Marsyas (Ovid, Metamorphoses VI 396), the Israelites come to the Jordan (Joshua 3-4), the Moabites are defeated by Ehud and his army near the fords of the river Jordan, the Thracian women throw Orpheus' head into the river Hebrus, the Vestal virgin Claudia Quinta gives proof of her chastity by towing with her girdle a boat that conveys a statue of Cybele, the body of St. Quintin is thrown into the river Somme, the country east of the Jordan is given to the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh, the dream of Mordecai: two fighting dragons appear, a righteous nation is about to be attacked by evil nations, and a little spring turns into a great river (Esther 11:2-12), the eagle of Jupiter fetches water from the Styx with Psyche's jar, the finding of Moses: Pharaoh's daughter comes to bathe with her maidens in the river and discovers the child floating on the water, the freed captives are gathered near the river ~ the return of Ezra, the plague of frogs: Aaron stretches out his hand over the water of Egypt; frogs come out and cover the land, the plague of water turned into blood: as Pharaoh goes down to the Nile, Aaron strikes the surface of the river with his rod; the water turns into blood and all the fishes die, the pope gives St. Giles two doors of cypress wood on which are represented the apostles St. Peter and St. Paul; Giles throws the doors into the Tiber, the ram with two unequal horns near a river ~ Daniel's visions, the recovery of the axe-head: as one of the sons of the prophets is cutting a tree to build a new house for Elisha and his followers, his axe-head falls into the Jordan; Elisha makes the axe-head float by casting a stick into the water (2 Kings 6:1-7), the third of the seven angels sounds the trumpet: a great burning star (Wormwood) poisons the rivers and fountains, troijalaiset saavuttavat Tiber-joen suun ja nousevat maihin Latiumissa (Vergilius, Aeneis VII-VIII), tukinuitto, uomat, warfare ~ water, along a river, on a shore, with the help of an angel, Eusebia finds the body and the head of St. Quintin in the river Somme
nimi floder, joet, joki, river, rivers, älvar
on sama kuin Joki, joki
prefLabel joet, rivers, älvar
subClassOf luonnonalue
suppeampi käsite river personified, 'Fiumi' (Ripa), whirlpool
vastaa joet, joki, keyword174340894375, not 25H213, p300008707, p3259
yläluokka luonnonalue, sisävedet, virtavedet

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