MAO-käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, AAT-käsite, AAT-hierarkia: kalusteet
Artifacts originally created to facilitate human activity and to provide for physical needs of people in or around a building generally by offering comfort, convenience, or protection.
The Furnishings hierarchy contains descriptors for primarily movable articles that provide comfort, convenience, or protection in dwellings, places or business, or other public or private spaces. They may be useful or ornamental and may be used in indoor or outdoor spaces. Trade names and proper names for particular types of furnishing that have come to be used generically or near-generically are included in the hierarchy.Relation to Other Hierarchies: Objects whose primary purpose is to serve as storage receptacles or other forms of container (e.g.g., "candle boxes", "footlockers") appear in the Containers hierarchy. Permanent installations integrated into the fabric of buildings (e.g.g., "altars", "choir screens") appear in the Components hierarchy. Timepieces and meteorological instruments (e.g.g., "tall case clocks", "barometers") appear in the Measuring Devices hierarchy. Descriptors for the shapes of furniture pieces appear in the Attributes and Properties hierarchy (e.g.g., "bombé"). Descriptors for constituent parts of furnishings (e.g., "footrests") appear in the Components hierarchy. Also in that hierarchy are descriptors for architectural elements that often appear on furnishings (e.g.g., "arches", "pediments"). Abstract or stylized motifs and conventionalized patterns (e.g.g., "gadrooning", "trefoils"), which represent a visual vocabulary used throughout the decorative arts, appear in the Design Elements hierarchy.
agcx | furniture |
cc | C40 maataloustekniikka, C70 kotitalous |
definedConcept | Y1709 |
fte | furnishing, furniture |
id | 300037335, 300037336 |
kuvaus | , Artifacts originally created to facilitate human activity and to provide for physical needs of people in or around a building generally by offering comfort, convenience, or protection., The Furnishings hierarchy contains descriptors for primarily movable articles that provide comfort, convenience, or protection in dwellings, places or business, or other public or private spaces. They may be useful or ornamental and may be used in indoor or outdoor spaces. Trade names and proper names for particular types of furnishing that have come to be used generically or near-generically are included in the hierarchy.Relation to Other Hierarchies: Objects whose primary purpose is to serve as storage receptacles or other forms of container (e.g.g., "candle boxes", "footlockers") appear in the Containers hierarchy. Permanent installations integrated into the fabric of buildings (e.g.g., "altars", "choir screens") appear in the Components hierarchy. Timepieces and meteorological instruments (e.g.g., "tall case clocks", "barometers") appear in the Measuring Devices hierarchy. Descriptors for the shapes of furniture pieces appear in the Attributes and Properties hierarchy (e.g.g., "bombé"). Descriptors for constituent parts of furnishings (e.g., "footrests") appear in the Components hierarchy. Also in that hierarchy are descriptors for architectural elements that often appear on furnishings (e.g.g., "arches", "pediments"). Abstract or stylized motifs and conventionalized patterns (e.g.g., "gadrooning", "trefoils"), which represent a visual vocabulary used throughout the decorative arts, appear in the Design Elements hierarchy. |
laajempi käsite | Furnishings and Equipment, kalusteet |
liittyy | sisusteet |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | Furnishings, furnishings, inredningar, kalusteet |
on sama kuin | Kalusteet, p300037335 |
prefLabel | furnishings, inredningar, kalusteet |
related to | furnishings components |
rtx | huonekalut |
suppeampi käsite | huonekalut, kadunkalusteet, keittiökalusteet, kiintokalusteet, kylpyhuonekalusteet, myymäläkalusteet, penkit, pihakalusteet, sairaalakalusteet, säilytyskalusteet, toimistokalusteet, ulkokalusteet |
vastaa | kalusteet, kalusteet, kalusteet, p13261, p300037336 |
yläluokka | konkreettinen eloton objekti |