MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: vesimyllyt
Refers to a device utilizing a water wheel or otherwise operated by water with the purpose of running a mill to grind grain or to produce or process a product. It may also typically refers to the building or structure housing or supporting the device.
Iconclass-tunnus | 47 D 41 |
concept s needing producing | waterwheels |
definedConcept | Y10747 |
id | 300006270 |
kuvaus | , Refers to a device utilizing a water wheel or otherwise operated by water with the purpose of running a mill to grind grain or to produce or process a product. It may also typically refers to the building or structure housing or supporting the device. |
laajempi käsite | factories by power source, machine driven by water |
liittyy | vesimylly osana maisemaa, vesimyllyt, vesivoima |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | mylly, vesimylly, vattenkvarnar, vesimylly, vesimyllyt, water mills, watermill |
on sama kuin | not 47D41 |
parentNonPreferred | mills |
prefLabel | vattenkvarnar, vesimyllyt, water mills |
suppeampi käsite | jalkamyllyt, ratasmyllyt |
vastaa | p16851, p300006270, vesimylly, vesimyllyt |
yläluokka | myllyt |