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YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: sulatot


Workers in a smelter who melt or fuse ore, usually to separate the metal.

Metalworking plants where ore is melted or fused,, often with an accompanying chemical change, usually to separate the metal from the other material.

activity event taking place sulatus
altLabel metallisulatot
definedConcept Y10330
field of study/action sulatus
id 300025308, 300103997
kuvaus Metalworking plants where ore is melted or fused,, often with an accompanying chemical change, usually to separate the metal from the other material., Workers in a smelter who melt or fuse ore, usually to separate the metal.
laajempi käsite metalworkers by process or technique, metalworking plants
locational context setting sulatot
nimi smeltermen, smelters, smelting plants, smältverk, sulatot
on sama kuin p300025308, p300103997
prefLabel smelting plants, smältverk, sulatot
users inhabitants sulatot
vastaa p17231
yläluokka tuotantorakennukset

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