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käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: erakko


Those who live a life of seclusion and solitude.

AAT-näkymä Henkilö, toimijat
Iconclass-tunnus 11 Q 33 1
Kaunokki-tunnus 44503
definedConcept Y13486
id 300236796
koodi 44503
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus Those who live a life of seclusion and solitude.
laajempi käsite people by state or condition, vetäytyminen erämaahan tai autiomaahan (harjoittamaan askeesia)
liittyy Elijah as first hermit, Mary as hermit (after Christ's death), 'Nostra señora de la Soledad', Paul of Thebes, the first hermit; possible attributes: raven, two lions, Pyhä Hieronymus erakkona maisemassa, lukemassa, Pyhä Kristoforos, Jeesus-lapsi olkapäillään, kahlaa veden läpi ja kantaa matkasauvaansa (palmu-puu); toisinaan kauempana rannalla kappelin vierellä seisoo erakko, lyhty kädessään, St. Antony Abbot retreats into the desert, after having given away his possessions to the poor, St. Bavo as a recluse in a hollow tree, praying, St. Benedict retreats into a rocky desert and lives in a cave ('Sacro Speco'), St. Blaise as hermit in the desert surrounded by wild animals, sometimes blessing or healing them, St. Bruno praying in the desert of the Grande Chartreuse, a barren, rocky place in the mountains, St. Catherine of Alexandria converted to Christianity and/or baptized by a hermit, St. John Chrysostom as a hermit doing penance in the wilderness, crawling on all fours; a naked woman with a little child present (sometimes she suckles it), St. Mary of Egypt penitent in the wilderness; her long hair covers her naked body, St. Paul the Hermit in the desert, with a long beard and wearing a loincloth of woven palm-leaves, is fed with bread by a raven, St. Rosalia as hermit in a cave, with book, skull, and lily, death of St. Mary of Egypt: her body is found in the desert by Zosimus; a lion helps him to dig her grave, death of St. Onuphrius: Paphnutius buries him with the help of two lions, erakko, erakko Antonius Apotti (Antonius Abbas) Egyptistä, kutsuttu myös nimellä Pyhä Antonius, Antonius Suuri; mahdolliset attribuutit: soittokello, kirja, T-muotoinen matkasauva, liekit, sika, erakko Simeon (Simon) Pylväspyhimys, eristäytyminen, munkki ja erakko Hieronymus; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kardinaalin hattu, krusifiksi, tiimalasi, leijona, pääkallo, kivi, naispuoliset pyhimykset, pyhimykset, the (Benedictine) abbot and hermit Leonard of Noblac; possible attributes: dalmatic, (broken) fetters, the Augustine hermit, Nicholas of Tolentino; possible attributes: book, crucifix, (entwined with lilies), lily, (basket with) loaves, two doves (on a dish or flying away), star (on his breast), the assumption of St. Mary Magdalene: she is lifted up to heaven by angels; sometimes a hermit looks up at her, the conversion of the young prince Josaphat by the hermit Barlaam, the hermit Bavo of Ghent; possible attributes: falcon, hollow tree, purse, stone, sword, the hermit Macarius of Egypt (the Elder, the Great); possible attributes: T-shaped staff, skull, the hermit Onuphrius; possible attributes: chalice and host, cross, crown (or coins), at his feet, raven, two lions, the hermit Paphnutius visits St. Onuphrius in the desert, the hermit Simeon Stylites either the Elder or the Younger, standing or seated on top of a pillar (column); maybe angels surround him, the hermit St. Onuphrius in the desert: his body is covered with hair, and he usually wears a loincloth of leaves; a raven brings him a loaf of bread, the hermit William of Maleval (the Great); possible attributes: book, coat of mail, dragon under feet, helmet, shield, rosary, T-shaped staff, the hermit and Benedictine abbot Giles (Aegidius); possible attributes: arrow (in hand or breast), beggars and cripples at feet, lily, hind (or stag), the hermit and founder of the (Franciscan) Minim Friars, Francis of Paola; possible attributes: inscription 'Charitas' on breast, discipline, skull, staff, the hermit and pilgrim Sebald of Nuremberg; possible attributes: crown (at his feet or on book), model of church, the hermit, martyr, and possibly former bishop of Dublin, Rum(b)old (Rombaut) of Malines; possible attributes: axe, hoe, the hermit, pilgrim, and erstwhile prince of Brittany, Judoc (Josse) of Ponthieu; possible attributes: crown in hand or at feet, the king of the Visigoths, out hunting, finds St. Giles in his retreat in the woods; Giles protects a stag in his arms, and an arrow pierces his hand, the monk and hermit Gall(us); possible attributes: bear, the virgin and hermit Rosalia of Palermo; possible attributes: crucifix, wreath of roses, yksinäisyys
nimi anchorite, hermit, erakko, erakot, eremiter, hermits
prefLabel erakot, eremiter, hermits
suppeampi käsite Thebaid
vastaa erakko, keyword174340966889, not 11Q331, p19343, p300236796
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