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AAT-käsite: plans


Refers to maps depicting a relatively small district or region, such as a town or city, drawn on a large scale and with considerable detail. For maps of larger regions, use "topographic maps" or "chorographic maps." For depictions of smaller plots of land, particularly as related to the planning of architecture, use "site plans." For representations of buildings or objects depicted on a horizontal plane, use "plans (drawings)."

id 300263886
kuvaus Refers to maps depicting a relatively small district or region, such as a town or city, drawn on a large scale and with considerable detail. For maps of larger regions, use "topographic maps" or "chorographic maps." For depictions of smaller plots of land, particularly as related to the planning of architecture, use "site plans." For representations of buildings or objects depicted on a horizontal plane, use "plans (drawings)."
laajempi käsite maps by form
nimi plans
related to chorographic maps, ichnographic plans, maastokartat, plans, site plans

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