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AAT-käsite: plans


Refers to drawings, sketches, or diagrams of any object, made by projection upon a flat surface, usually a horizontal plane. The term is particularly used to refer to drawings or diagrams showing the relative positions of the parts of a building, or of any one floor of a building, projected upon a horizontal plane. The term can also be used for a set of drawings for a project. For general reference to depictions or photographs showing structures or sites seen from directly above, use "plan views." For representations of portions of the Earth's surface use "maps" or "plans (maps)."

id 300034104
kuvaus Refers to drawings, sketches, or diagrams of any object, made by projection upon a flat surface, usually a horizontal plane. The term is particularly used to refer to drawings or diagrams showing the relative positions of the parts of a building, or of any one floor of a building, projected upon a horizontal plane. The term can also be used for a set of drawings for a project. For general reference to depictions or photographs showing structures or sites seen from directly above, use "plan views." For representations of portions of the Earth's surface use "maps" or "plans (maps)."
laajempi käsite orthographic drawings
nimi plans
related to kartat, plan views, plans

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