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MAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, AAT-käsite: hirsirakennukset


Distinguished from "log cabins" by being generally larger and better built of carefully hewn timbers neatly notched at the corners.

Use for quilts made of blocks constructed of strips of fabric arranged in a way that simulates the construction of a log cabin; usually done by press piecing, tied rather than quilted, and rarely containing batting.

Distinguished from "log houses" by being generally more crudely built of timbers left round and joined at the corners by overlapping saddle-shaped notches.

cc C90 metsatalous
definedConcept Y12715
id 300005605, 300164014, 300198220
kuvaus , Distinguished from "log cabins" by being generally larger and better built of carefully hewn timbers neatly notched at the corners., Distinguished from "log houses" by being generally more crudely built of timbers left round and joined at the corners by overlapping saddle-shaped notches., Use for quilts made of blocks constructed of strips of fabric arranged in a way that simulates the construction of a log cabin; usually done by press piecing, tied rather than quilted, and rarely containing batting.
laajempi käsite houses by construction technique, quilts by pattern or motif
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi hirsirakennukset, log cabin quilts, log cabins, log houses, stockhus
on sama kuin Hirsirakennukset, p300005605, p300198220
prefLabel hirsirakennukset, log houses, stockhus
related to hirsirakennukset, string quilts, tying
rtx puukirkot
usr lipsanen
vastaa hirsirakennukset, hirsirakennukset, p20470, p300164014
yläluokka puurakennukset

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