käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: pubit
Use for public refreshment facilities with more emphasis on drinking, normally alcoholic beverages, than on eating or entertainment, which if provided usually occurs in separate, often back rooms, and offering no accommodations; use "saloons" for similar places but with staged entertainment provided in the main room; use "taverns" for establishments offering public accommodations as well as general refreshments, but no entertainment other than social gatherings.
AAT-näkymä | Paikka, miljöö |
Kaunokki-tunnus | 45587 |
id | 300005166 |
koodi | 45587 |
kuuluu sanastoon | kaunokki-ontologia |
kuvaus | Use for public refreshment facilities with more emphasis on drinking, normally alcoholic beverages, than on eating or entertainment, which if provided usually occurs in separate, often back rooms, and offering no accommodations; use "saloons" for similar places but with staged entertainment provided in the main room; use "taverns" for establishments offering public accommodations as well as general refreshments, but no entertainment other than social gatherings. |
laajempi käsite | bars |
liittyy | baarit, kahvilat, majatalo, kestikievari, kapakka, pub, ravintola, yökerhot |
nimi | pub, pubar, pubit, pubs |
on sama kuin | p300005166 |
prefLabel | pubar, pubit |
related to | saloons, taverns |
vastaa | keyword174340230941, p7056, pub |
yläluokka | ravitsemisliikkeet |