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käsite, YSO-käsite: saatavat


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definedConcept Y19014
liittyy 'whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith' ~ Christ's conditions for prayer (Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24), Acceptance, Adam and Eve receive tools, usually a spade and a spindle, Alexander receiving the keys of Babylon, Boaz accepts his kinsman's shoe, David accepts the gifts of Abigail; Abigail returns home, David receives Saul's armour ~ story of David and Goliath, David receives Ziklag as dwelling place, David rejects the objection: all men receive an equal part of the spoils, James receives the communion or a meal from Christ, Jehoshaphat receives tribute from the surrounding kings, King Charles the Bald receives the relics of St. Walburga, Moses receives the tables of the law from God, Neoptolemus receives Achilles' arms, Patroclus receives Achilles' arms and takes to the field, Polycrates, tyrant of Samos, receives a fish in whose belly he finds the ring he had thrown into the sea a few days before, Rebekah receives ear-rings and golden bracelets from Eliezer, Receiving, St. Aloysius Gonzaga receives the first communion from St. Charles Borromeo, St. Catherine of Siena, kneeling before a crucifix, or swooning into the arms of two nuns, receives the stigmata, St. Denis in prison receiving the last communion from Christ, sometimes together with two companions, Eleutherius and Rusticus, St. Dominic receives the commission to preach: St. Peter and St. Paul appear to him in a vision and give him a staff and a book (the gospels), St. Felix of Cantalice receives a loaf from a mysterious child who blesses him, and then vanishes, St. Hyacinth of Poland receives the habit of the Dominican Order from St. Dominic, St. Laurence receives from pope Sixtus II the treasures of the church, St. Vincent Ferrer, kneeling, receives the habit of the Dominican Order, St. Walburga becomes abbess of Heidenheim, receiving the staff and the keys, St. William of Aquitaine receives the habit from Benedict of Aniane, Ulysses receives a bag containing the adverse winds, an angel receives Abel's lamb, while a devil may be assisting Cain, death of Sophonisbe: she receives from a servant a cup of poison sent to her by Masinissa, delivering; receiving (~ postal matter), gifts being accepted, jonkin vastaanottaminen, jumalat varustavat Perseuksen; Minervalta, Merkuriukselta ja/tai muilta jumalilta hän saa kilven (tai peilin), viikatteen (tai tikarin), kypärän, siivekkäät sandaalit, ja laukun, receiving doctor's degree, receiving prize or crown of honours (sports, games, etc.), receiving the rules of an order, saamisoikeus, the Egyptian slave receives food and drink in David's encampment, velkasuhteet, witches receiving powder or ointment to ravage the land ~ witches' sabbath
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