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käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, Avainsana, AAT-käsite: teosofia


Any religious or philosophic ideology based on mystical insight into the nature of God and/or divine truth; this insight is attained only through direct experience of the divine. The term is sometimes used to specifically refer to the principles of the Theosophical Society founded in New York in 1875 by Madame Blavatsky and H.S. Olcott which incorporated aspects of Buddhism and Brahmanism.

AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 43585
altLabel kristosofi, kristosofia
definedConcept Y5332
id 300056000
koodi 43585
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus Any religious or philosophic ideology based on mystical insight into the nature of God and/or divine truth; this insight is attained only through direct experience of the divine. The term is sometimes used to specifically refer to the principles of the Theosophical Society founded in New York in 1875 by Madame Blavatsky and H.S. Olcott which incorporated aspects of Buddhism and Brahmanism.
laajempi käsite religious ideologies
liittyy antroposofia, muut erilaiset uskonnot, kultit ja uskonnolliset oppisuunnat tai doktriinit: teosofia, okkultismi, rajatieto
nimi teosofi, teosofia, theosophy
prefLabel teosofi, teosofia, theosophy
resulting causative action antroposofia
vastaa keyword174340093422, p10026, p300056000, teosofia, teosofia
yläluokka aatteet

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