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YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: työhönotto


Use for the activity of engaging the services of a person or persons for wages or other payment. For the ongoing activity of providing individuals with and paying them for work, use "employing." For the concept of the degree or extent of the provision or availability of paid work to the population, use "employment."

definedConcept Y5660
id 300109703
kuvaus Use for the activity of engaging the services of a person or persons for wages or other payment. For the ongoing activity of providing individuals with and paying them for work, use "employing." For the concept of the degree or extent of the provision or availability of paid work to the population, use "employment."
laajempi käsite toiminnanohjaus
liittyy henkilöstöhallinto, henkilöstöhankinta, rekrytointi
nimi anställning, hiring, työhönotto
on sama kuin Työhönotto
prefLabel anställning, hiring, työhönotto
related to employing, työsuhde
vastaa p300109703, p479
yläluokka henkilön aseman muuttaminen

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