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käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: iho


Use for the integument of small animals such as sheep, calves, or goats, separated from the body, with or without hair, whether green, dry, tanned, or dressed. For the integument of large animals use "hide."

definedConcept Y1413
id 300011840
kuvaus Use for the integument of small animals such as sheep, calves, or goats, separated from the body, with or without hair, whether green, dry, tanned, or dressed. For the integument of large animals use "hide."
laajempi käsite collagenous material
liittyy Aegis: breast-plate or skin with Gorgon's head (attribute of Minerva), Minerva kills Pallas, the Giant, and covers herself with his skin, awls are fixed under the nails of the fingers and toes of St. Crispin and Crispinian, and/or their skin is cut from the flesh with awls, divination ~ external particularities of the human body, epiteeli, fighting animals; aggressive relations, höyhenpeite, judgement of Cambyses: he appoints Sisamnes' son to succeed his father, whose skin is nailed onto the judgement-seat (possibly flaying of Sisamnes visible), karvapeite, martyrdom of St. Blaise: his flesh is torn with iron combs, parts of a fruit (with NAME), parts of fruit of fabulous plant (with NAME), physiology and anatomy ~ skin, pigmentti, selluliitti, shedding of skin of animal(s), shedding of skin of animal(s), shedding of skin of animal(s), shedding of skin of animal(s), shedding of skin of animal(s), skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, skin (human), skin, fleece, hide, fur, leather, skin, fleece, hide, fur, leather, skin, fleece, hide, fur, leather, skin, fleece, hide, fur, leather, skin, fleece, hide, fur, leather, skin, scales, the apostle Bartholomew; possible attributes: book, devil or dragon at feet, knife, scroll, flayed skin, staff, the flesh of St. Hippolytus is cut with hackles (combs)
nimi huden, iho, skin
prefLabel huden, iho, skin
related to hide and skin processing, manttaali, nahka, parchment, vellum
vastaa iho, p1769, p300011840
yläluokka ruumiinosat

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