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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana: karjapaimenet


AAT-näkymä Henkilö, toimijat
Kaunokki-tunnus 44472
altLabel cowboyt
definedConcept Y17176
koodi 44472
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
liittyy Abel (alone) at work, herding, Amos, the herdsman of Tekoa, prophesies at Bethel (Amos 1-2), Cacus steals some of the cattle of Geryon which Hercules was driving home, Cain and Abel learn to assist their father; Cain by farming, Abel by herding, Hercules kills Geryon, the monster with three heads and three bodies, after having slain the herdsman Eurytion, and Orthrus, the two-headed watch-dog, Hercules, driving Geryon's cattle, has to fight the Ligurians; Jupiter assists Hercules by sending a shower of stones, Isaac's prosperity as husbandman and herdsman, Jacob works as a herdsman for seven years in exchange for Rachel, Pelias and Neleus are found and brought up by a herdsman; Pelias is given to a mare, Neleus to a bitch for suckling, Saul, coming from the field with his herd and hearing the tidings, gets angry, cuts two oxen in pieces and sends messengers to bring the pieces throughout the country, St. Brigid as cowgirl, farm-girl, or shepherdess with domestic animals and farmer's implements, karjanajo, karjapaimen, cowboy, laiduntaminen, paimen, paimentyttö, karjapaimen, meeting of David and Ahimelech, in the presence of Doeg, Saul's chief herdsman, rodeo, the herdsman Faustulus discovers Romulus and Remus
nimi cowboyer, cowherds, karjapaimen, karjapaimenet
prefLabel cowboyer, cowherds, karjapaimenet
vastaa karjapaimen, keyword174340915988, p2818
yläluokka paimenet

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