MAO-käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: asumukset
Use for buildings or portions of a building designed exclusively for human residential occupancy, but not including hotels or other buildings intended for use by transients. For the locale which constitutes the center of an individual's domestic life, affectional relationships, and interests, together with the feeling of comfort and satisfaction that it conveys, use "home." For the collective concept referring to types of living arrangements of a particular group, use "housing."
definedConcept | Y16185 |
id | 300005425 |
kuvaus | , Use for buildings or portions of a building designed exclusively for human residential occupancy, but not including hotels or other buildings intended for use by transients. For the locale which constitutes the center of an individual's domestic life, affectional relationships, and interests, together with the feeling of comfort and satisfaction that it conveys, use "home." For the collective concept referring to types of living arrangements of a particular group, use "housing." |
laajempi käsite | residential structures |
liittyy | asunnot |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | asumukset, dwellings, enkla bostäder |
prefLabel | asumukset, dwellings, enkla bostäder |
related to | asuntolaiva, housing, koti |
suppeampi käsite | kuoppa-asumukset, luola-asumukset |
vastaa | asumukset, asumukset, p2255, p300005425 |
yläluokka | rakennukset käyttötarkoituksen mukaan |