käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: luonnokset
Use for rough or summary art works; less finished than studies. Though sketches are often in the drawing medium, the term "drawings" in general implies more finished works than does "sketches."
KT | luonnos |
definedConcept | Y9129 |
id | 300015617 |
kuvaus | Use for rough or summary art works; less finished than studies. Though sketches are often in the drawing medium, the term "drawings" in general implies more finished works than does "sketches." |
laajempi käsite | visual works by medium or technique |
liittyy | artist (in general) making preliminary designs, sketching, croquis, designing, sketching ~ architect, hahmomallit, making preliminary designs, sketching, mallikappaleet, painter making preliminary designs, sketching, piirustus, luonnospiirros, preliminary presentation of work of art, sketch, model, suunnitelmat |
nimi | luonnokset, luonnos, sketches, utkast |
prefLabel | luonnokset, sketches, utkast |
related to | oil sketches, sketchbooks |
vastaa | luonnokset, luonnos, p1752, p300015617 |
yläluokka | kulttuuriset tuotokset, yhteiskunnalliset tuotokset |