MAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: vedenalainen arkeologia
Branch of archaeology that deals with the recovery of ancient objects found beneath the sea, as shipwrecks or remains from submerged human settlements, and with the techniques of underwater exploration, excavation, and retrieval.
definedConcept | Y23248 |
id | 300054339 |
kuvaus | , Branch of archaeology that deals with the recovery of ancient objects found beneath the sea, as shipwrecks or remains from submerged human settlements, and with the techniques of underwater exploration, excavation, and retrieval. |
laajempi käsite | arkeologia |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | undervattensarkeologi, underwater archaeology, vedenalainen arkeologia |
prefLabel | undervattensarkeologi, underwater archaeology, vedenalainen arkeologia |
related to | maritime history |
suppeampi käsite | meriarkeologia |
vastaa | p300054339, p8868, vedenalainen arkeologia |
yläluokka | arkeologia |