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MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, AFO-käsite, Avainsana: ateriat


cc C60 elintarviketieteet, C70 kotitalous
definedConcept Y706
fte meals
liittyy 'Melavveh Malkah' ('escort of the Queen'), post-Sabbath-meal, (perhe) ateria, Abraham orders the preparation of a calf and other food, Aedon with her sister slays her son, Itys, and sets him before her husband Polytechnus to eat as punishment for his violence to Chelidon, Boaz is eating and drinking, Christ and meals, Christ at table with the apostles: he gives them fish and bread, David recovers and takes a meal, Elijah fed by the widow of Zarephath, Elisha dining with the Shunammite woman, Elisha's farewell meal with his father, mother and friends, Friday evening meal (first Sabbath-meal), Gedaliah is killed while eating with Ishmael and his men (Jeremiah 41:1-2), God sends a priest with a meal to St. Benedict on Easter morning, James receives the communion or a meal from Christ, Joosef ruokkii veljensä talossaan: veljien hämmästys kun heidät on sijoitettu istumaan ikäjärjestyksessä; Benjaminia kunnioitetaan ylimääräisellä ruolla, Joseph makes a meal ~ care of the new-born Christ-child, Jupiter's visit to Lycaon, son of Pelasgus; when offered human flesh to eat, Jupiter strikes Lycaon (and his sons) with his lightning, King Astyages forces Harpagus to eat the flesh of his own son, because he had disobeyed the king's orders in not putting to death the infant Cyrus, Martha serving or preparing food in the kitchen; Mary sits at Christ's feet, listening, Mephibosheth at David's table, Nathan's parable: the rich man takes the poor man's lamb to prepare it for his guest, Rebekah preparing the meal for Isaac, Ruth invited by Boaz to eat with him, St. Charles Borromeo weeping over his book; his simple meal remains untouched, St. Nicholas of Tolentino, on his sick-bed, refuses a dish of roast birds; he restores them to life and they fly away, Tamar preparing cakes for Amnon, a meal is prepared for the angels in Lot's house, daily meals organized by Nehemiah, during dinner on Friday, a goose-leg, offered by St. Ulrich to a messenger from the duke of Bavaria, changes into a fish, esineet muuttuvat kullaksi: koska Midas osoittaa ystävällisyyttä Sileniusta kohtaan, esineet, joihin hän koskee, muuttuvat kullaksi; Bacchuksen lahja (Midas saattaa olla pöydän ääressä, yrittäen syödä) (Ovidius, Metamorfoosit XI 92), funeral repast, mourners' meal, having asked for a sign Gideon prepares food and presents it in a basket to the angel, hääateria, juhla-ateria, meal in Bethany (at the house of Simon the Leper) (Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-11), meals ~ military service, muut erilaiset uskonnot, kultit ja uskonnolliset opinkappaleet tai doktriinit, piknik, ateriointi luonnossa, prayer at table, saying grace, preparation of food, preparation of food ~ military service, preparation of the Passover ~ Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-20; Mark 14:12-17; Luke 22:7-14), preparation of the sacrificial celebration with oxen and garlands in front of the temple of Jupiter ~ Paul and Barnabas at Lystra, preparations for 'Pesah', cleaning the house, preparations for Passover: messengers are sent throughout the country, preparations for the wedding-feast at Cana, preparations, e.g. the prodigal son is given new robes; slaughtering of the fatted calf; the elder son objects, preparing food for Sabbath, ritual meal ~ Egyptian religion, ritual meal ~ Freemasonry, ritual meal ~ Greek religion, ritual meal ~ non-Christian religions, ruoat, ruokailu, second Sabbath-meal, the Israelites eat the Passover lamb standing about a table with their loins girt, their shoes on their feet and with staves in their hands, ready to depart, the Trojans eat cakes of bread which they have used as platters; thus fulfilling the Harpy's prophecy; they hail their new fatherland, the meal of the seven first Carthusian monks: St. Hugh of Grenoble transforms the roasted birds into tortoises, the oath of Julius Claudius Civilis: during a meal he induces his people to revolt against the Romans, the parents of the young pilgrim tell the story to the judge; when he does not believe them, roasted chickens on the table come to life and fly away, the priests of Bel, with their wives and children, enter the temple through a hidden corridor and feast on the food during the night, the satyr and the peasants; according to Aesop: the satyrs and the peasant (meal, blowing to cool food, etc.), the witch of Endor serves Saul a meal, third Sabbath-meal, wedding meal of David and Michal, wedding-meal of bride and bridegroom (alone) ~ Jewish wedding, when Evilmerodach becomes king of Babylon, Jehoiachin is released from prison and permitted to dine at the king's table for the rest of his life (2 Kings 25:27-30; Jeremiah 52:31-34), while they are at table, the old prophet announces to his guest that God has condemned him to death for his disobedience
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