MAO-käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AFO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: ekologia
Use for the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their habitat, including other organisms. For aggregates of physical things, conditions, and influences surrounding and affecting given organisms or communities of organisms at any time, use "environments (object groupings)." For the concept of the external world, including the forces at work in it and the nonhuman life inhabiting it, perceived by human beings as separate and independent from themselves, their activities and civilization, use "Nature."
AAT-näkymä | Teema |
Kaunokki-tunnus | 42260 |
agcx | ecology |
cc | C22 viljely, C70 kotitalous, C80 ymparistonsuojelu |
definedConcept | Y867 |
fte | ecology |
id | 300054468 |
koodi | 42260 |
kuuluu sanastoon | kaunokki-ontologia |
kuvaus | , Use for the branch of biology dealing with the relations and interactions between organisms and their habitat, including other organisms. For aggregates of physical things, conditions, and influences surrounding and affecting given organisms or communities of organisms at any time, use "environments (object groupings)." For the concept of the external world, including the forces at work in it and the nonhuman life inhabiting it, perceived by human beings as separate and independent from themselves, their activities and civilization, use "Nature." |
laajempi käsite | biotieteet |
liittyy | biotooppi, ekosysteemit, eliöyhteisöt, habitaatti, luonnonsuojelu, saastuminen, tutkimus- ja kehittämistoiminta, ympäristön saastuminen |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | ecology, ekologi, ekologia |
on sama kuin | Ekologia |
prefLabel | ecology, ekologi, ekologia |
related to | ecologists, environments, luonto, ympäristötieteet |
rtx | ekosysteemit, eliöyhteisöt, luonnontalous |
source | Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#ekologia |
suppeampi käsite | kulttuuriekologia, paleoekologia, populaatioekologia, sosiaaliekologia, uskontoekologia |
vastaa | ekologia, ekologia, ekologia, ekologia, keyword174340227000, p300054468, p634 |
yläluokka | biologia |