Use for visual works in the shape of a cross having the figure of Christ crucified.
Use for visual works in the shape of a cross having the figure of Christ crucified.
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Bernard of Clairvaux, Cistercian monk and abbot; possible attributes: beehive, chained dragon, crucifix, cross with instruments of the Passion, (three) mitre at his feet, white dog,
Bonaventura, cardinal bishop of Albano and Minister General of the Franciscan Order; possible attributes: book, cardinal's hat (sometimes hanging from a tree), crucifix (sometimes flowering),
Charles Borromeo, cardinal of Milan; possible attributes: cardinal's hat, crucifix, rope round his neck, skull,
Christ-child holding something in his hand, e.g. apple, bird, cherries, crucifix, grapes, paper wind-mill ~ Madonna-representations,
God the Father holding the crucifix, 'Gnadenstuhl', Mercy-Seat, Throne of Grace,
John Gualberto, the Benedictine monk, founder of the Order of Vallombrosa; possible attributes: book, crucifix, devil (or heretic) under foot, T-shaped staff,
John of God of Granada, the founder of the order of the Brothers Hospitallers; possible attributes: beggars, child, collecting-box, crown of thorns, crucifix, pomegranate (with cross), sick people,
Mary holding something, e.g. apple, bunch of grapes, crucifix, goldfinch ~ Madonna-representations,
Pyhä Hieronymus harjoittaa katumusta autiomaassa, puolialastomana, polvistuneena krusifiksin eteen ja pidellen kiveä kädessään hakatakseen sillä rintaansa; pääkallo (ja muita 'vanitas'-symboleja), toisinaan myös skorpioni ja käärme hänen vierellään,
Pyhän Antoniuksen eroottiset näyt: (alastomat) naiset viettelevät häntä, mutta hän ajaa ne pois rukoilemalla, tai näyttämällä heille krusifiksia,
St. Aloysius Gonzaga in ecstasy before an altar with crucifix,
St. Bernard of Clairvaux kneels before a crucifix; Christ has detached his arms from it and bows down to embrace Bernard ('amplexus'),
St. Bonaventura points at a crucifix in his library, when asked by St. Thomas Aquinas for the source of his writings,
St. Catherine of Siena, kneeling before a crucifix, or swooning into the arms of two nuns, receives the stigmata,
St. Homobonus dies before a crucifix, and is borne up by angels,
St. John Gualberto praying before a crucifix: the head of Christ inclines towards him,
St. Margaret of Cortona prays before a crucifix; the head of Christ bends forward,
St. Thomas Aquinas praying before a crucifix (in dialogue with Christ),
a lobster brings back to St. Francis Xavier a crucifix which had fallen into the sea,
altarcross, crucifix,
crucifix ~ personal devotion,
death of St. Francis Xavier on the island of Sancian, alone in a hut, holding a crucifix,
founder of the Order of Friars Minor (Franciscans), Francis(cus) of Assisi; possible attributes: book, crucifix, lily, skull, stigmata,
katuva portto Maria Magdaleena; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja (tai kirjakäärö), kruunu, orjantappurakruunu, krusifiksi, voiteluastia, peili, soitin (musiikki-instrumentti), palmunoksa, rukousnauha, ruoska,
meditation over skull and/or crucifix,
munkki ja erakko Hieronymus; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, kardinaalin hattu, krusifiksi, tiimalasi, leijona, pääkallo, kivi,
neitsyt ja dominikaaninen tertiaari, Katariina Sienalainen; mahdolliset attribuutit: kirja, risti, orjantappurakruunu, krusifiksi, paholainen jalan alla, sydän (ristin kanssa), lilja, ruton jäljet, sormus, rukousnauha, stigmaation merkit,
the Augustine hermit, Nicholas of Tolentino; possible attributes: book, crucifix, (entwined with lilies), lily, (basket with) loaves, two doves (on a dish or flying away), star (on his breast),
the Benedictine abbess Scholastica, sister of Benedict of Nursia; possible attributes: book, crucifix, dove, lily, staff,
the Carmelite friar and mystic John of the Cross; possible attributes: book, chains, cross, crucifix, eagle, lily, pen,
the Dominican Tertiary Rosa (Rose) of Lima; possible attributes: anchor, crown of thorns, crucifix, infant Christ (in her arms or on a bunch of roses), lily, (wreath of) roses,
the Dominican friar Peter Martyr of Verona; possible attributes: crucifix, finger at lips, palm, sword (axe or knife) in skull (or breast), wound in head,
the Dominican friar and founder of the Mercedarians, Raymund of Pennafort; possible attributes: crucifix, key, lily,
the Franciscan friar John of Capestrano; possible attributes: (monstrance with) IHS-monogram, banner with red cross, crucifix, Turk under feet,
the Franciscan monk Antony of Padua; possible attributes: ass, book, crucifix, flowered cross, flaming heart, infant Christ (on book), lily,
the Franciscan monk Peter of Alcantara; possible attributes: book, crucifix, discipline, dove, pen and ink, skull,
the Jesuit friar Aloysius Gonzaga; possible attributes: crucifix, discipline, lily, skull,
the Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier; possible attributes: cross, crucifix, flaming heart, Indian, lily, torch,
the Jesuit priest Peter Canisius; possible attributes: book, crucifix, IHS monogram, pen, skull,
the Roman soldier and hunter Eustace (Eustachius, Eustathius); possible attributes: banner, bull of brass, cuirass, hunting horn, lance, stag's head with crucifix, sword, two sons, wife,
the conversion of St. Eustace: while hunting (on horseback) he is confronted with a stag bearing a crucifix between its antlers; Eustace is shown kneeling before the stag (that appears on a rock),
the hermit St. Onuphrius in the desert: his body is covered with hair, and he usually wears a loincloth of leaves; a raven brings him a loaf of bread,
the martyr John Nepomuk; possible attributes: book, crucifix, nimbus or crown of five stars, padlock, palm, tongue,
the mother of Augustine, Monica of Tagaste (or Ostia); possible attributes: black dress with white veil or wimple, book, crucifix, rosary,
the virgin Lidwyna (Lydwine) of Schiedam; possible attributes: crucifix, branch of roses in hand, roses in hair,
the virgin and hermit Rosalia of Palermo; possible attributes: crucifix, wreath of roses,
the warrior martyr Achatius (Acacius); possible attributes: bunch of thorns, crucifix, sword,
while hunting on Good Friday St. Hubert is confronted with a white stag bearing a crucifix between its antlers; Hubert kneels before the stag
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religious objects