MAO-käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: kokoustilat
Use for rooms, primarily of the 18th century, in which social gatherings and balls (commonly referred to as assemblies) were held.
definedConcept | Y12707 |
id | 300004393 |
kuvaus | , Use for rooms, primarily of the 18th century, in which social gatherings and balls (commonly referred to as assemblies) were held. |
laajempi käsite | entertainment and recreation spaces, tilat |
liittyy | kongressitalot |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | assembly rooms, kokoustilat, konferenslokaler |
prefLabel | assembly rooms, kokoustilat, konferenslokaler |
vastaa | kokoustilat, kokoustilat, p300004393, p4951 |
yläluokka | tilat käyttötarkoituksen mukaan |