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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AAT-käsite: taiteilijakirjat


Books, whether unique or multiple, made or conceived by artists. Includes books produced by artists as a commercial publishing venture with a printer or publisher, usually in traditional book form in limited editions, as well as those formed or arranged so as to reflect or comment upon the artists' aesthetic or political programme. For texts written by artists for the sake of their informational content, use "artists'" (ALT of "artists") plus "writings." For artists' books that emphasize the physical book as a work of art, see "bookworks." For works that look like or incorporate books but do not communicate in the ways characteristic of books, see "book objects."

definedConcept Y17280
distinguished from book objects, kirjataide
id 300123016
kuvaus Books, whether unique or multiple, made or conceived by artists. Includes books produced by artists as a commercial publishing venture with a printer or publisher, usually in traditional book form in limited editions, as well as those formed or arranged so as to reflect or comment upon the artists' aesthetic or political programme. For texts written by artists for the sake of their informational content, use "artists'" (ALT of "artists") plus "writings." For artists' books that emphasize the physical book as a work of art, see "bookworks." For works that look like or incorporate books but do not communicate in the ways characteristic of books, see "book objects."
laajempi käsite books by conditions of production
lisätiedot Tarkoittaa kirjanmuotoista taiteilijan tekemää kuvataideteosta
nimi artists' books, bokkonstverk, taiteilijakirjat
prefLabel artists' books, bokkonstverk, taiteilijakirjat
vastaa p13272, p300123016, taiteilijakirjat
yläluokka kirjalliset teokset, kirjat

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