YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, asiasana, Avainsana, AAT-käsite: feminismi
Social and political critical theory and movement asserting the inherent value of women and female characteristics, and working to protect and promote women's rights and interests.
AAT-näkymä | Teema |
Kaunokki-tunnus | 42338 |
definedConcept | Y10861 |
id | 300055786, 300136466 |
koodi | 42338 |
kuuluu sanastoon | kaunokki-ontologia |
kuvaus | Social and political critical theory and movement asserting the inherent value of women and female characteristics, and working to protect and promote women's rights and interests. |
laajempi käsite | cultural movements and attitudes, people by ideology, philosophy, or political activity |
liittyy | emansipaatio, feministit, naisasialiikkeet, naisen asema, naisliikkeet |
nimi | feminism, feminism, feminismi, feminists |
on sama kuin | p300136466 |
prefLabel | feminism, feminism, feminismi |
related to | suffragettes |
source | Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#feminismi |
vastaa | feminismi, feminismi, keyword174340932070, p300055786, p7254 |
yläluokka | aatteet |