MAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, AAT-käsite: dokumentointi
Use broadly for the gathering and recording of information, especially to establish or provide evidence of facts or testimony. For the organizing and controlling of information, use "information management." For the records of information, regardless of medium or characteristics, either created specifically as records of information or used as such at some time subsequent to their creation, use "documents."
altLabel | dokumentaatio |
definedConcept | Y848 |
id | 300054638 |
kuvaus | , Use broadly for the gathering and recording of information, especially to establish or provide evidence of facts or testimony. For the organizing and controlling of information, use "information management." For the records of information, regardless of medium or characteristics, either created specifically as records of information or used as such at some time subsequent to their creation, use "documents." |
laajempi käsite | information handling functions |
liittyy | kortistointi, luettelointi, museaaliset toimenpiteet, numerointi |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | documentation, dokumentation, dokumentointi |
prefLabel | documentation, dokumentation, dokumentointi |
related to | dokumentti, tiedonhallinta |
source | Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#dokumentointi |
suppeampi käsite | esinedokumentointi, kaivausdokumentointi, kuvadokumentointi, teollisuusdokumentointi |
vastaa | dokumentointi, dokumentointi, p16361, p300054638 |
yläluokka | tiedollinen luonti |