YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: julkisoikeus
Use for the branch of law that deals with the organization of government, the responsibilities of public agencies and officers, and the relations between a government and its citizens, as well as those of sovereign states to one another.
altLabel | julkinen oikeus |
definedConcept | Y1577 |
id | 300054444 |
kuvaus | Use for the branch of law that deals with the organization of government, the responsibilities of public agencies and officers, and the relations between a government and its citizens, as well as those of sovereign states to one another. |
laajempi käsite | oikeus |
liittyy | yksityisoikeus |
nimi | julkisoikeus, offentlig rätt, public law |
parentNonPreferred | valtiotieteet |
prefLabel | julkisoikeus, offentlig rätt, public law |
vastaa | p300054444, p5891 |
yläluokka | oikeus |