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MAO-käsite, käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, VALO-käsite, Concept, Avainsana: messut


altLabel messut -- kauppa, mässor -- handel
definedConcept Y9392
liittyy Black Mass, Holy Mass (divine service, especially of Roman Catholic Church), St. Ambrose in a vision beholds the burial of St. Martin of Tours (while celebrating mass), St. Donatus miraculously repairs a chalice broken during mass, St. Giles celebrating mass in the presence of St. Charlemagne; an angel appears above the altar, bearing a scroll on which is written an unconfessed sin of the emperor, St. Joseph of Arimathaea celebrating the first mass with the Holy Grail, an angel descending from heaven brings St. Hubert a stole (during his consecration as bishop), fancy fair, kaupalliset näyttelyt, teollisuusmessut, markkinat ja sirkus, markkinat, myyjäiset, messut, näyttely, the Madonna appears to St. Philip Neri, who kneels down in prayer, or celebrates Mass; sometimes two angels support the swooning Philip, the mass of St. Basil: emperor Valens faints, the mass of St. Clement: Theodora, wife of the heathen Sisinnius present; Sisinnius, who is spying, is struck blind, the mass of St. Gregory the Great: Christ appears above the altar with the instruments of the Passion; maybe blood spouts from Christ's side, the mass of St. Martin: Martin is shown celebrating Mass in an ill-fitting smock, having given his chasuble to a needy beggar; in church at the altar, a ball of fire descends on his head, and angels cover his arms with sleeves of gold and precious stones, while attending mass, St. Cunegunda hangs her glove on a sunbeam, while celebrating mass, St. Vincent de Paul sees a fiery globe ascend to heaven and unite with another one (the souls of Jane Frances of Chantal and Francis of Sales)
lisätiedot (1) Katolisen kirkon jumalanpalvelusmuoto ja (2) sitä varten, yleensä kuorolle sävelletty kiinteärakenteinen teos., (kauppa), Musiikin asiasanoituksessa termiä käytetään vain jälkimmäisessä merkityksessä ja täsmentein varustettuna, esimerkiksi messut : alankomaiset koulukunnat : 1400-luku.
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi -messut, messu, messut, messut (kaupalliset), mässor
on sama kuin Messut
prefLabel -messut, messut, mässor
semTag messut
source Yleinen Suomalainen Asiasanasto#messut
suppeampi käsite kirjamessut, muotimessut
vastaa messu, messut, messut, messut, messut, messut, p257, p4892
yläluokka kaupankäyntiin liittyvät tapahtumat, kirkkomusiikki

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