Generally refers to the legal and social union of a man and woman as husband and wife although in recent time the term has occasionally been applied to the union of a gay couple as well. For the act or ceremony of marriage, use "weddings." The term is sometimes used to refer to a close or intimate union in a general sense, not limited to people.
kuuluu sanastoon
Generally refers to the legal and social union of a man and woman as husband and wife although in recent time the term has occasionally been applied to the union of a gay couple as well. For the act or ceremony of marriage, use "weddings." The term is sometimes used to refer to a close or intimate union in a general sense, not limited to people.
laajempi käsite
sosiaalinen rakenne
'whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery' ~ doctrine of Christ on adultery ,
(marriage of) Mercury and Philologia, mother of the liberal arts ,
Abraham marries Keturah ,
Abraham marries Sarah ,
Ahab marries the Sidonian princess Jezebel ,
Amorin (Kupido, Eros) ja Psykhen häät ,
Athamas marries Ino ,
Bellerophon marries Philone, daughter of Iobates ,
Boaz takes Ruth to wife (Ruth 4:13) ,
David marries Abigail ,
David marries Ahinoam ,
Esau marries Mahalath, daughter of Ishmael ,
Esau marries two Hittite girls: Judith and Bashemat ,
God blesses Adam and Eve; institution of marriage ,
Gyges marries Candaules' wife after having slain the king at the queen's order ,
Hercules, disguised in women's clothes, marries Chalciope on Cos ,
Hippolytestä (Antiope), amatsonien kuningattaresta, tulee Theseuksen vaimo ,
Ishmael's marriage ,
Jacob asks Laban's permission to marry Rachel ,
Jasonin ja Medeian häät; Kultainen Talja on levitetty vuoteelle ,
Jehoram marries Athalia, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel of Israel, and allows the Judaean people to worship idols ,
Judah marries the daughter of Shuah ,
Juno Iuga, Juno Pronuba, protectress of marriage ,
Kaanan häät (Joh. 2:1-11) ,
Marian kihlautuminen ja avioliitto, 'Sposalizio': ylipappi vihkii heidät ,
Moses' marriage with Zipporah ,
Naomi's sons marry Orpah and Ruth ,
Nehemiah warns against mixed marriages ,
Oedipus marries Jocasta, not knowing she is his mother ,
Peleuksen ja Thetiksen avioliitto ,
Perseus and Andromeda married by Cepheus ,
Polynices and Tydeus marry Argia and Deipyle, the daughters of Adrastus ,
Polyphontes kills Cresphontes and two of the latter's sons, and forces Merope to marry him ,
Samson's wedding and riddle (Judges 14:10-20) ,
Sarah's sorrowful marriages (Tobit 3:7-17) ,
Toobitin ja Hannan avioliitto (Tobiaan kirja 1:1-9) ,
Ulysses (Odysseus) wooing and marrying Penelope ,
all Jews are gathered in Jerusalem in the rain; Ezra preaches and warns against mixed marriages ,
asumusero ,
avioero ,
avioituminen, hääseremoniat ,
avioituvuus ,
avioliitto, aviopari, 'matrimonium' ,
avoliitto ,
cannon salvos at royal birth, marriage, etc. ,
communal marriages ,
elevation and marriage of Joseph (Genesis 41:37-57) ,
erillään asuminen ,
having to leave Arcadia, Alcmaeon is purified again by the river-god Achelous; he marries Achelous' daughter Callirrhoe and promises her the necklace of Harmonia ,
hääateria ,
häät ,
in Arcadia Alcmaeon is purified by King Phegeus and marries Arsinoe, Phegeus' daughter; he gives her Harmonia's robe and necklace ,
kihlaus ,
kosinta ,
lapithien ja kentaurien taistelu Peirithoosin ja Hippodamian häissä ,
maiden versus married woman ,
marriage and divorce ~ Jewish customs ,
marriage of Aeneas and Lavinia ,
marriage of Alexander and Roxana ,
marriage of Cadmus and Harmonia ,
marriage of David and Bathsheba ,
marriage of David and Michal ,
marriage of Emerentia and Stollanus ,
marriage of Helen with Deiphobus ,
marriage of Hymenaeus and his beloved ,
marriage of Isaac and Rebekah ,
marriage of Jason and Creusa (Glauce); possibly with Medea watching the scene ,
marriage of Joachim and Anna ,
marriage of Paris and Helen ,
marriage of Solomon and the daughter of Pharaoh ,
marriage of St. Godeleva with Bertulf of Ghistelles ,
marriage of Telemachus and Circe ,
moniavioisuus ,
myötäjäiset ,
naimakaupat ,
naimattomuus ,
parisuhde ,
perhe ,
polttarit ,
public festivities at marriage of royal persons ,
rakkaussuhde ,
rekisteröity parisuhde ,
second marriage (of widow or widower) ,
story of the wedding of the king's daughter in Andrapolis ,
the daughters of Zelophehad marry their cousins ,
the great supper; the royal wedding-feast ~ parable of Christ (Matthew 22:1-14; Luke 14:16-24) ,
the marriage of Hosea and the whore Gomer ,
the marriage of Jacob and Rachel ,
the marriage of Moses' parents ,
the marriage of Tobias and Sarah ,
the marriage of the Lamb ,
the two other marriages of Anna ,
the wedding feast, Esther's feast ,
the wedding-feast of Theseus and Phaedra ,
the wedding-feast; Laban substitutes Leah for Rachel ,
to avenge the death of her husband upon his murderer Sinorix, Camma feigns consent to marry him, pours poison into the nuptial bowl and hands it over to Sinorix: the dying Sinorix is seen struggling out of the temple of Diana and trying to reach his carriage ,
triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite, with a retinue of tritons and Nereids, i.e. marriage train ,
vihkiminen (kuudes seitsemästä sakramentista) ,
vihkiminen avioliittoon ,
wedding of Bacchus and Ariadne ,
on sama kuin
related to
bride price ,
suppeampi käsite
järjestetty avioliitto ,
järkiavioliitto ,
kulissiavioliitto ,
pakkoavioliitto ,
seka-avioliitto ,
avioliitto ,
avioliitto ,
keyword174340072360 ,
p2790 ,