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käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, Avainsana, AAT-käsite: avioliitto


Generally refers to the legal and social union of a man and woman as husband and wife although in recent time the term has occasionally been applied to the union of a gay couple as well. For the act or ceremony of marriage, use "weddings." The term is sometimes used to refer to a close or intimate union in a general sense, not limited to people.

AAT-näkymä Teema
Kaunokki-tunnus 43803
definedConcept Y756
id 300055475
koodi 43803
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus Generally refers to the legal and social union of a man and woman as husband and wife although in recent time the term has occasionally been applied to the union of a gay couple as well. For the act or ceremony of marriage, use "weddings." The term is sometimes used to refer to a close or intimate union in a general sense, not limited to people.
laajempi käsite sosiaalinen rakenne
liittyy 'whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery' ~ doctrine of Christ on adultery, (marriage of) Mercury and Philologia, mother of the liberal arts, Abraham marries Keturah, Abraham marries Sarah, Ahab marries the Sidonian princess Jezebel, Amorin (Kupido, Eros) ja Psykhen häät, Athamas marries Ino, Bellerophon marries Philone, daughter of Iobates, Boaz takes Ruth to wife (Ruth 4:13), David marries Abigail, David marries Ahinoam, Esau marries Mahalath, daughter of Ishmael, Esau marries two Hittite girls: Judith and Bashemat, God blesses Adam and Eve; institution of marriage, Gyges marries Candaules' wife after having slain the king at the queen's order, Hercules, disguised in women's clothes, marries Chalciope on Cos, Hippolytestä (Antiope), amatsonien kuningattaresta, tulee Theseuksen vaimo, Ishmael's marriage, Jacob asks Laban's permission to marry Rachel, Jasonin ja Medeian häät; Kultainen Talja on levitetty vuoteelle, Jehoram marries Athalia, daughter of Ahab and Jezebel of Israel, and allows the Judaean people to worship idols, Judah marries the daughter of Shuah, Juno Iuga, Juno Pronuba, protectress of marriage, Kaanan häät (Joh. 2:1-11), Marian kihlautuminen ja avioliitto, 'Sposalizio': ylipappi vihkii heidät, Moses' marriage with Zipporah, Naomi's sons marry Orpah and Ruth, Nehemiah warns against mixed marriages, Oedipus marries Jocasta, not knowing she is his mother, Peleuksen ja Thetiksen avioliitto, Perseus and Andromeda married by Cepheus, Polynices and Tydeus marry Argia and Deipyle, the daughters of Adrastus, Polyphontes kills Cresphontes and two of the latter's sons, and forces Merope to marry him, Samson's wedding and riddle (Judges 14:10-20), Sarah's sorrowful marriages (Tobit 3:7-17), Toobitin ja Hannan avioliitto (Tobiaan kirja 1:1-9), Ulysses (Odysseus) wooing and marrying Penelope, all Jews are gathered in Jerusalem in the rain; Ezra preaches and warns against mixed marriages, asumusero, avioero, avioituminen, hääseremoniat, avioituvuus, avioliitto, aviopari, 'matrimonium', avoliitto, cannon salvos at royal birth, marriage, etc., communal marriages, elevation and marriage of Joseph (Genesis 41:37-57), erillään asuminen, having to leave Arcadia, Alcmaeon is purified again by the river-god Achelous; he marries Achelous' daughter Callirrhoe and promises her the necklace of Harmonia, hääateria, häät, in Arcadia Alcmaeon is purified by King Phegeus and marries Arsinoe, Phegeus' daughter; he gives her Harmonia's robe and necklace, kihlaus, kosinta, lapithien ja kentaurien taistelu Peirithoosin ja Hippodamian häissä, maiden versus married woman, marriage and divorce ~ Jewish customs, marriage of Aeneas and Lavinia, marriage of Alexander and Roxana, marriage of Cadmus and Harmonia, marriage of David and Bathsheba, marriage of David and Michal, marriage of Emerentia and Stollanus, marriage of Helen with Deiphobus, marriage of Hymenaeus and his beloved, marriage of Isaac and Rebekah, marriage of Jason and Creusa (Glauce); possibly with Medea watching the scene, marriage of Joachim and Anna, marriage of Paris and Helen, marriage of Solomon and the daughter of Pharaoh, marriage of St. Godeleva with Bertulf of Ghistelles, marriage of Telemachus and Circe, moniavioisuus, myötäjäiset, naimakaupat, naimattomuus, parisuhde, perhe, polttarit, public festivities at marriage of royal persons, rakkaussuhde, rekisteröity parisuhde, second marriage (of widow or widower), story of the wedding of the king's daughter in Andrapolis, the daughters of Zelophehad marry their cousins, the great supper; the royal wedding-feast ~ parable of Christ (Matthew 22:1-14; Luke 14:16-24), the marriage of Hosea and the whore Gomer, the marriage of Jacob and Rachel, the marriage of Moses' parents, the marriage of Tobias and Sarah, the marriage of the Lamb, the two other marriages of Anna, the wedding feast, Esther's feast, the wedding-feast of Theseus and Phaedra, the wedding-feast; Laban substitutes Leah for Rachel, to avenge the death of her husband upon his murderer Sinorix, Camma feigns consent to marry him, pours poison into the nuptial bowl and hands it over to Sinorix: the dying Sinorix is seen struggling out of the temple of Diana and trying to reach his carriage, triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite, with a retinue of tritons and Nereids, i.e. marriage train, vihkiminen (kuudes seitsemästä sakramentista), vihkiminen avioliittoon, wedding of Bacchus and Ariadne, yksiavioisuus
nimi avioliitto, marriage, äktenskap
on sama kuin Avioliitto
prefLabel avioliitto, marriage, äktenskap
related to bride price, häät
suppeampi käsite järjestetty avioliitto, järkiavioliitto, kulissiavioliitto, pakkoavioliitto, seka-avioliitto, teiniavioliitto
vastaa avioliitto, avioliitto, keyword174340072360, p2790, p300055475
yläluokka parisuhde

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