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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: vekselit


Historically a form of paper currency used in Europe from the late Medieval to the early Modern period often as credit among merchants. Now refers to written orders to pay a specific sum of money on demand or at a specified future time; used with reference to foreign transactions; for similar orders to pay usually restricted to domestic transactions, use "drafts (negotiable instruments)."

definedConcept Y10727
id 300193972
kuvaus Historically a form of paper currency used in Europe from the late Medieval to the early Modern period often as credit among merchants. Now refers to written orders to pay a specific sum of money on demand or at a specified future time; used with reference to foreign transactions; for similar orders to pay usually restricted to domestic transactions, use "drafts (negotiable instruments)."
laajempi käsite orders to pay
liittyy cheque, draft, bill of exchange, velat
nimi bills of exchange, vekseli, vekselit, växlar -- ekonomi
prefLabel bills of exchange, vekselit, växlar -- ekonomi
related to commercial paper, drafts
vastaa p10638, p300193972, vekseli
yläluokka taloudelliset ilmiöt

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