käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: geometria
Branch of mathematics dealing with the measurement, relationships and properties of points, lines, curves, angles, surfaces, and solid figures.
Refers to the earlier phase of the decorated style in the late 13th century, when window tracery was composed of geometrical patterns such as circles, arcs of circles, and cusps, but before the patterns evolved into undulating curves.
definedConcept | Y1135 |
id | 300020802, 300054529 |
kuvaus | Branch of mathematics dealing with the measurement, relationships and properties of points, lines, curves, angles, surfaces, and solid figures., Refers to the earlier phase of the decorated style in the late 13th century, when window tracery was composed of geometrical patterns such as circles, arcs of circles, and cusps, but before the patterns evolved into undulating curves. |
laajempi käsite | Decorated Style, matematiikka |
liittyy | 'Geometria' (~ quadrivium); 'Geometria' (Ripa), Adam as founder of geometry, deskriptiivinen geometria, kiinteä (aineen olomuoto), multi-dimensional geometry, non-Euclidean geometry, ornament ~ geometric motifs, planimetria, tasogeometria, geometria (kuvapinnan sommittelu), stereometria, avaruusgeometria, kolmiulotteinen geometria, the five Platonic solids (one inside the other) |
nimi | Early Decorated, avaruus(geometria), geometri, geometria, geometry |
on sama kuin | Geometria, avaruus(geometria, p300020802 |
practitioners students | geometers |
prefLabel | geometri, geometria, geometry |
related to | geometric concepts |
vastaa | geometria, p300054529, p8708 |
yläluokka | matematiikka |