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AAT-käsite: tacking


Refers to the temporary joining of two or more pieces of fabric or another material by some slight or temporary fastening other than successive stitches using a continous thread or other filament. Tacking may be done using a few isolated stitches or by using glue or another adhesive. For temporary joining of material done by sewing with long loose stitches and a continuous piece of thread, use "basting."

distinguished from harsinta
id 300231133
kuvaus Refers to the temporary joining of two or more pieces of fabric or another material by some slight or temporary fastening other than successive stitches using a continous thread or other filament. Tacking may be done using a few isolated stitches or by using glue or another adhesive. For temporary joining of material done by sewing with long loose stitches and a continuous piece of thread, use "basting."
laajempi käsite fastening
nimi tacking
parentNonPreferred sewing

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