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AAT-käsite: stitching


Refers to the process of fastening, joining, closing, uniting, mending, or creating ornamentation by stitches, which are the portions of thread left in fabric or another material by the in and out movement of a threaded needle through the thickness or surface of the material, or the loops of thread created on a needle in knitting or other needlework. In the context of textiles and needleworking, its meaning overlaps with "sewing." In the context of bookbinding, it refers to the fastening together a number of leaves or gatherings by passing the thread or wire through all of the sheets at once; it is distinct from "sewing," which, in the context of bookbinding, is used for the joining of leaves or gatherings together one by one by drawing thread or wire backwards and forwards through the back fold of each sheet to attach it to the cords.

id 300053660
kuvaus Refers to the process of fastening, joining, closing, uniting, mending, or creating ornamentation by stitches, which are the portions of thread left in fabric or another material by the in and out movement of a threaded needle through the thickness or surface of the material, or the loops of thread created on a needle in knitting or other needlework. In the context of textiles and needleworking, its meaning overlaps with "sewing." In the context of bookbinding, it refers to the fastening together a number of leaves or gatherings by passing the thread or wire through all of the sheets at once; it is distinct from "sewing," which, in the context of bookbinding, is used for the joining of leaves or gatherings together one by one by drawing thread or wire backwards and forwards through the back fold of each sheet to attach it to the cords.
laajempi käsite processes and techniques by specific type
nimi stitching
parentNonPreferred needleworking, sewing
related to bookbinding processes and techniques: stitching, sewing, stitches

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