Iconclass-luokkakäsite: the contest of the three guardsmen in King Darius' bedchamber
Iconclass-tunnus | 71 R 14 2 |
laajempi käsite | Darius, king of Persia, grants permission to rebuild the temple (Ezra 6:1-12; 1 Esdras 3-4) |
nimi | the contest of the three guardsmen in King Darius' bedchamber |
suppeampi käsite | Zerubbabel says (writes) that truth is the strongest of all things ~ contest of the three guardsmen, Zerubbabel, the third guardsman, says (writes) that women are strongest ~ contest of the three guardsmen, the first guardsman says (writes) that wine is the strongest of all things ~ contest of the three guardsmen, the second guardsman says (writes) that the king is the strongest ~ contest of the three guardsmen |