Iconclass-luokkakäsite: Augustine, bishop of Hippo; possible attributes: arrows piercing his breast, book, child with spoon, flaming heart, heart (pierced with arrows), pen
Iconclass-tunnus | 11 H (AUGUSTINE) |
laajempi käsite | miespuoliset pyhimykset (NIMEN kanssa) |
liittyy | Mary, St. Benedict and St. Augustine interceding with Christ for the plague sufferers, St. Augustine appears to St. Mary-Magdalene of Pazzi, St. Jerome appears to St. Augustine |
nimi | Augustine, bishop of Hippo; possible attributes: arrows piercing his breast, book, child with spoon, flaming heart, heart (pierced with arrows), pen |
suppeampi käsite | early life of St. Augustine, glory of St. Augustine, miespuolinen pyhimys osana ryhmää, miespuoliseen pyhimykseen liittyvät ihmeet, miespuolisen pyhimyksen martyyrius, kärsimys, onnettomuus, kuolema, non-miraculous activities and events ~ male saint, personal devotion of St. Augustine, portrait of male saint, post-mortem occurrences ~ male saint, specific aspects ~ St. Augustine |