Use for the ceremonial chairs or seats occupied by a monarch, prelate, or other high dignitary, especially on state or other special occasions; usually placed upon a dais and covered with a canopy.
44 B 12 12
Use for the ceremonial chairs or seats occupied by a monarch, prelate, or other high dignitary, especially on state or other special occasions; usually placed upon a dais and covered with a canopy.
laajempi käsite
audition; ruler giving audience ,
ceremonial chairs
'Ecclesia Imperatrix', enthroned ,
'Etimasia', empty throne with the book of life, prepared for Christ ,
'Ratschluss der Erlösung', 'Prolog im Himmel'; Divine decree of Redemption ,
Alexander as ruler on his throne, holding an iron ball while sleeping, as symbol of the vigilance of a ruler ,
Bathsheba enthroned at Solomon's right hand ,
Calumny of Apelles: bad judge with ass's ears on throne, with Deceit, Envy, Ignorance, Suspicion and Treachery, confronted with innocent accused; Remorse and Truth present ,
Christ sitting (enthroned) on the tomb ,
Esther approaching the throne ,
Ezekiel's vision of God sitting on his throne carried by four tetramorphs, each of them having four wings; wheels within wheels beside them ,
God the Father (as bearded old man) enthroned, usually with crown or tiara, and with sceptre and/or globe ,
God the Father (resembling Jupiter) enthroned, usually with sceptre and/or globe ,
God the Father and Christ enthroned ,
God the Father enthroned, usually with sceptre and/or globe ,
God the Father holding the crucifix, 'Gnadenstuhl', Mercy-Seat, Throne of Grace ,
Kristus valtaistuimella ,
Madonna: Neitsyt Maria istumassa tai valtaistuimelle asetettuna, Jeesus-lapsi sylissään ,
Mary enthroned ,
Mary sitting, enthroned, the Christ-child sitting on her shoulder ,
Moses (and Aaron) before Pharaoh enthroned (recurrent scene ~ the ten plagues) ,
Solomon enthroned ,
Solomon sits on David's throne ,
St. Anselm on his throne with pen and book ,
St. Christopher is brought before the king, who flees in terror from his throne ,
St. Eloi presenting two golden thrones to the king, showing with his scales the right amount of gold ,
St. Thomas Aquinas enthroned between Plato and Aristotle, trampling under his feet the three heretics Arius, Sabellius and Averroès ,
Thrones (holding thrones) ~ hierarchy of angels ,
Vulcan's revenge on Juno; he makes her a golden throne from which she is unable to rise ,
about four hundred prophets are called in: they all predict victory to King Jehosaphat and King Ahab, who are seated on their thrones in their royal robes outside the gate of Samaria; the prophet Zedekiah exhibits some iron horns ,
apotheosis of Homer: the poet, seated on a throne, is hailed by Apollo and the Muses, History, Poetry and sundry other allegorical figures ,
bishop's throne ,
canopy, baldachin ,
in the temple filled with smoke, the Lord sits on a throne; above it angels, each one with six wings ~ Isaiah's visions (Isaiah 6:1-4) ,
the Ancient of days, in white robes, on a fiery throne ~ Daniel's visions ,
the Holy Ghost going out from Christ's empty throne ,
the meeting of Aeneas and Dido; when he approaches her throne, the cloud enveloping him and Achates vanishes ,
the queen of Sheba enthroned at Solomon's side ,
the throne of God ~ Revelation ,
the throne of Solomon with two lions (1 Kings 10:18-20; 2 Chronicles 9:17-19) ,
throne of St. Peter ,
valtaistuin ,
viimeinen tuomio valkealta valtaistuimelta ,
when the king of Nineveh hears about the destruction of the city in forty days, he rises from his throne and decrees a general repentance for man and animal: all men, cattle and sheep must fast, people must wear sackcloth and pray to God
-empowerment (= valtaistuminen = empowerment),
on sama kuin
not 44B1212 ,
-empowerment (= valtaistuminen = empowerment),
p16964 ,