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käsite, YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: valtaistuin


Use for the ceremonial chairs or seats occupied by a monarch, prelate, or other high dignitary, especially on state or other special occasions; usually placed upon a dais and covered with a canopy.

Iconclass-tunnus 44 B 12 12
altLabel omavoimaistuminen, omavoimaisuus, täysivaltaistuminen, valtaistuminen, valtauttaminen, valtautuminen, voimaantuminen, voimavaraistuminen
definedConcept Y21908
id 300038141
kuvaus Use for the ceremonial chairs or seats occupied by a monarch, prelate, or other high dignitary, especially on state or other special occasions; usually placed upon a dais and covered with a canopy.
laajempi käsite audition; ruler giving audience, ceremonial chairs
liittyy 'Ecclesia Imperatrix', enthroned, 'Etimasia', empty throne with the book of life, prepared for Christ, 'Ratschluss der Erlösung', 'Prolog im Himmel'; Divine decree of Redemption, Alexander as ruler on his throne, holding an iron ball while sleeping, as symbol of the vigilance of a ruler, Bathsheba enthroned at Solomon's right hand, Calumny of Apelles: bad judge with ass's ears on throne, with Deceit, Envy, Ignorance, Suspicion and Treachery, confronted with innocent accused; Remorse and Truth present, Christ sitting (enthroned) on the tomb, Esther approaching the throne, Ezekiel's vision of God sitting on his throne carried by four tetramorphs, each of them having four wings; wheels within wheels beside them, God the Father (as bearded old man) enthroned, usually with crown or tiara, and with sceptre and/or globe, God the Father (resembling Jupiter) enthroned, usually with sceptre and/or globe, God the Father and Christ enthroned, God the Father enthroned, usually with sceptre and/or globe, God the Father holding the crucifix, 'Gnadenstuhl', Mercy-Seat, Throne of Grace, Kristus valtaistuimella, Madonna: Neitsyt Maria istumassa tai valtaistuimelle asetettuna, Jeesus-lapsi sylissään, Mary enthroned, Mary sitting, enthroned, the Christ-child sitting on her shoulder, Moses (and Aaron) before Pharaoh enthroned (recurrent scene ~ the ten plagues), Solomon enthroned, Solomon sits on David's throne, St. Anselm on his throne with pen and book, St. Christopher is brought before the king, who flees in terror from his throne, St. Eloi presenting two golden thrones to the king, showing with his scales the right amount of gold, St. Thomas Aquinas enthroned between Plato and Aristotle, trampling under his feet the three heretics Arius, Sabellius and Averroès, Thrones (holding thrones) ~ hierarchy of angels, Vulcan's revenge on Juno; he makes her a golden throne from which she is unable to rise, about four hundred prophets are called in: they all predict victory to King Jehosaphat and King Ahab, who are seated on their thrones in their royal robes outside the gate of Samaria; the prophet Zedekiah exhibits some iron horns, apotheosis of Homer: the poet, seated on a throne, is hailed by Apollo and the Muses, History, Poetry and sundry other allegorical figures, bishop's throne, canopy, baldachin, in the temple filled with smoke, the Lord sits on a throne; above it angels, each one with six wings ~ Isaiah's visions (Isaiah 6:1-4), the Ancient of days, in white robes, on a fiery throne ~ Daniel's visions, the Holy Ghost going out from Christ's empty throne, the meeting of Aeneas and Dido; when he approaches her throne, the cloud enveloping him and Achates vanishes, the queen of Sheba enthroned at Solomon's side, the throne of God ~ Revelation, the throne of Solomon with two lions (1 Kings 10:18-20; 2 Chronicles 9:17-19), throne of St. Peter, valtaistuin, viimeinen tuomio valkealta valtaistuimelta, when the king of Nineveh hears about the destruction of the city in forty days, he rises from his throne and decrees a general repentance for man and animal: all men, cattle and sheep must fast, people must wear sackcloth and pray to God
nimi -empowerment (= valtaistuminen = empowerment), empowerment, empowerment, throne, thrones, valtaistuin
on sama kuin not 44B1212, p300038141
prefLabel -empowerment (= valtaistuminen = empowerment), empowerment, empowerment
vastaa p16964, valtaistuin
yläluokka muutos

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