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MAO-käsite, käsite, TAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite: valo


Iconclass-tunnus 22 C
definedConcept Y13009
laajempi käsite luonnonilmiöt
liittyy 'Hanukkah', Feast of Lights, Feast of Dedication, 'I am the light of the world' ~ sayings of Christ (John 8:12, 9:5), Adam and Eve outside Eden, whose entrance is guarded by shining cherubim, Aleksanteri Suuren vierailu Diogeneksen luona, tämä istuu tynnyrinsä vieressä ja pyytää Aleksanteria siirtymään pois valon edestä, God the Father in the form of light, Moses comes down with the new tablets and is awaited by Aaron and the assembled people, who notice that 'his face is shining' (Moses' face is depicted with rays of light or with horns), Paul's head, placed on the fence of a sheepfold, gives light, St. Rumbold's luminous body is discovered in the river, apostles are salt of the earth, light of the world ~ the ideal apostle (Matthew 5:13-14), by night a pillar of fire gives the Israelites light (Exodus 14), division of light and darkness, heaven represented in the air, with clouds (in concentric circles) and light, kindling and blessing of the Sabbath lights by the mistress of the house, kuun valo, light, fire, smoke, etc. used for signalling, light-buoy, mysterious phenomena and occurrences ~ light, on the way to Damascus Christ appears to Saul, who falls from his horse and is blinded by the light, optiikka, valo-oppi, other blind widows in the house of Marcellus are healed by the light in which Christ appears, revontulet, 'aurora borealis', sunlight, the body of St. John Nepomuk floats in the water with a mysterious light of five stars above it, the father of St. Vitus is blinded, when peeping into the dungeon, in which he holds his son prisoner; the dungeon is illuminated by heavenly lights (lamps), valaisimet, valaistus, lamput, valo, valonheittimet
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi light, lights, valo, valot
prefLabel lights, valot
suppeampi käsite heijastus (valo yleensä), keinovalo, luonnonvalo, pimeys, varjo, värit, pigmentit ja maalit, yliluonnollinen valo
vastaa not 22C, p9246, valo, valot, valot
yläluokka tekninen objekti, valaisuun käytettävät esineet

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