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MAO-käsite, YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: kirjasintyylit


Use for sets of printed characters, comprised of alphabets, numerals, and other symbols, that share certain characteristics of style or design. For the rectangular pieces, usually metal, having a character on one side, from which text is composed and set to be printed, use "type."

The rectangular pieces, usually metal, having on one side a letter or other character, from which text is composed and set to be printed. For sets of printed characters that share certain characteristics of style or design, use "typefaces."

Iconclass-tunnus 49 M 13
altLabel kirjaintyylit, teckensnitt
definedConcept Y19013
id 300194389, 300233629
kuvaus , The rectangular pieces, usually metal, having on one side a letter or other character, from which text is composed and set to be printed. For sets of printed characters that share certain characteristics of style or design, use "typefaces.", Use for sets of printed characters, comprised of alphabets, numerals, and other symbols, that share certain characteristics of style or design. For the rectangular pieces, usually metal, having a character on one side, from which text is composed and set to be printed, use "type."
laajempi käsite printing, printing office, script and type forms, type composition equipment
liittyy kirjaimet, kirjasin, kirjasinlajit
lisätiedot Kirjainten muotoon perustuva luokka, esim. fraktuura, groteski
luoja Museoalan asiasanasto
nimi kirjasintyylit, printing type, type, typefaces, typsnitt
on sama kuin not 49M13, p300233629
prefLabel kirjasintyylit, typefaces, typsnitt
related to kirjasintyylit, typefounding
suppeampi käsite printing type (with NAME)
vastaa kirjasintyylit, p2105, p300194389
yläluokka lajit

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