Y18835 ,
kuuluu sanastoon
'command these stones to become loaves of bread' ~ temptation of Christ in the wilderness ,
'consecratio', bread and wine changed into the body and blood of Christ ,
Aesculapius transforms himself into a serpent (or dragon) and leaves Epidaurus by ship ,
Amalthea, the nymph, usually in the shape of a goat, suckles the new-born Jupiter ,
Aristaeus overcomes Proteus despite his many changes, and learns from him why his bees died (his punishment for bringing destruction upon Eurydice) ,
Atlas turned into a mountain as punishment for his inhospitality ,
Erigone and Bacchus, the latter possibly in the shape of a bunch of grapes ,
Erysichthon, having squandered all his possessions, is supported by his daughter Metra, who lets herself be sold in various forms ,
Europan ryöstö, Jupiter ja Europa; Jupiter, yleensä valkoisen härän hahmossa, ryöstää Europan ja kantaa hänet veden yli ,
Hercules forces Nereus to tell him the way to the Hesperides, but Nereus tries to resist by assuming different shapes ,
Hercules sacks the city of Pylus; Mars and Juno are wounded; Periclymenus, Neleus' eldest son, after having assumed different shapes is killed in the form of an eagle by Hercules ,
Ixion embraces a cloud (Nephele) in the shape of Juno ,
John changes sticks and stones into gold and jewels for two young philosophers (Atticus, Eugenius) ,
Jupiter and Mercury reveal themselves and while the whole country is flooded, the cottage of Philemon and Baucis is saved and changed into a temple ,
Jupiter ja Leda, Leda ja joutsen; Jupiter, joutsenen hahmossa, ja Leda ,
Lot's wife looks back at the city and is transformed into a pillar of salt ,
Mars and Venus making love, Gallus (Alectryon) changing into a cock ,
Mary appears to St. Nicholas of Tolentino on his sick-bed, offering him a loaf (he changes the loaf into roses) ,
Menelaus (disguised in seal skins, as directed by Eidothea) falls upon Proteus who tries to avoid answering his questions by assuming different shapes ,
Minerva muuttaa Medusan hiukset käärmeiksi ,
Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh; Aaron performs the miracle of the rod changing into a snake ,
Neptune assumes the form of the river Enipeus to seduce Tyro, and makes a wave curl over and conceal them ,
Neptune in the shape of a bull, and Aeolus' daughter Arne ,
Neptune in the shape of a ram woos Theophane, whom the god had changed into a sheep ,
Neptune in the shape of a stallion, and Ceres in the shape of a mare; from their union Arion is born ,
Neptune, possibly in the shape of a bird, wooing Medusa in the temple of Minerva ,
Neptunus delfiinin hahmossa, ja Melantho ,
Perseus flies over the Libyan desert, carrying the head of Medusa; the blood drops that fall from it change into snakes ,
Perseus lays down Medusa's head on a bed of leaves and seaweed which turn into coral, i.e. the origin of coral ,
Perseus surmaa merihirviön (tai muuttaa sen kiveksi näyttämällä sille Gorgonin päätä) vapauttaakseen Andromedan; toisinaan Andromedan vanhemmat Kefeus ja Kassiopeia seuraavat tapahtumia ,
Philyra beloved by Saturn, occasionally in the shape of a horse ,
Phineus and his attendants are turned into stone ,
Polydectes is turned into stone while banqueting ,
St. Sebald meeting Willibald and Wunibald; he changes water into wine and stones into bread ,
St. Vincent is laid on potsherds, which then change into flowers ,
Thetis, asleep on the shore, is assailed by Peleus; she tries to elude him by assuming different shapes ,
Tiresias, striking two coupling serpents with his staff, is changed into a woman ,
Vamana, assuming gigantic form, jumps with one step over the whole world, and with a second step jumps to heaven, thus humiliating the demon-king Bali, who had offered to him as much land as he could step in three paces ,
Venus gives Cupid the form and features of Ascanius ,
a shepherd betrays the hiding-place of St. Barbara to her father; as punishment his sheep are turned into locusts ,
during dinner on Friday, a goose-leg, offered by St. Ulrich to a messenger from the duke of Bavaria, changes into a fish ,
hyena, capable of changing sex ,
metamorfoosit, muodonmuutokset ~ klassinen mytologia ,
metamorphosis of the gods into different kinds of animals ~ gigantomachy ,
metamorphosis of the gods, in terror fleeing from Typhon, into different kinds of animals: ram (Jupiter), raven (Apollo), goat (Bacchus), cow (Juno), cat (Diana), fish (Venus), ibis (Mercury) ,
miracle of the rod changed into a serpent ; Moses may be shown fleeing from the serpent ,
miracle of the sweetening of the water of Marah ,
miracle of the water changed to blood ~ burning bush ,
muodonvaihdos ,
musicians, especially trumpeters, try to comfort Job; he pays them with the scabs of his sores that later turn into golden coins ,
the Muses flee from Pyreneus and transform themselves into birds (Pyreneus, trying to catch them, falls down to death from the top of a tower) ,
the Phaeacian ship, on its return journey, is turned into stone by Neptune ,
the meal of the seven first Carthusian monks: St. Hugh of Grenoble transforms the roasted birds into tortoises ,
the miracle of the leper: a leprous child, laid by Elisabeth in her own bed, is transformed into the infant Christ when her husband pulls off the bedclothes ,
the plague of lice: Aaron strikes the ground with his rod and the dust turns into lice ,
the plague of water turned into blood: as Pharaoh goes down to the Nile, Aaron strikes the surface of the river with his rod; the water turns into blood and all the fishes die ,
transformation, metamorphosis of person ,
transition, metamorphosis of animals ,
transition, metamorphosis of animals ,
transition, metamorphosis of animals ,
transition, metamorphosis of animals ,
transition, metamorphosis of animals ,
water is changed into wine, when St. Homobonus refills his flask after having given away all his food and drink to a beggar ,
when Turnus sets the Trojan ships on fire they turn into sea-nymphs at Cybele's request ,
while fighting with Hercules the river-god Achelous changes himself into a bull, or a bull-headed man
1) tarina joka kertoo ihmisen muuttumisesta tav. eläimeksi tai kasviksi; 2) (geol.) kivilajien muuttuminen kivimassojen liikkeen, paineen tai lämpötilan vaikutuksesta; 3) (el.) muodonvaihdos; 4) (kasv.) muuntuminen
keyword174340324227 ,
metamorfoosi ,
muodonmuutos ,
p10977 ,
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