Iconclass-luokkakäsite: Hercules forces Nereus to tell him the way to the Hesperides, but Nereus tries to resist by assuming different shapes
Iconclass-tunnus | 94 L 33 21 |
laajempi käsite | (11) Herkules noutaa Hesperidien omenat |
liittyy | Aristaeus overcomes Proteus despite his many changes, and learns from him why his bees died (his punishment for bringing destruction upon Eurydice), Menelaus (disguised in seal skins, as directed by Eidothea) falls upon Proteus who tries to avoid answering his questions by assuming different shapes |
nimi | Hercules forces Nereus to tell him the way to the Hesperides, but Nereus tries to resist by assuming different shapes |