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Karttahaku ja selailu Yhteyshaku Hae ja jäsennä Kokoelmat Suomen historia Taidot Elämäkerrat Kalevala Karjala


käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, Avainsana, AAT-käsite: vanhemmat


People who have children, either biologically or by adoption.

AAT-näkymä Henkilö, toimijat
Kaunokki-tunnus 46838
definedConcept Y5965
id 300025930
koodi 46838
kuuluu sanastoon kaunokki-ontologia
kuvaus People who have children, either biologically or by adoption.
laajempi käsite omaiset, people by family relationship, perheenjäsenet, sukulaiset
liittyy 'honour your father and your mother' ~ separate representation of the fifth of the ten commandments, Admetus, mortally sick, in vain begs his aged parents to die for him, Amphinomus and Anapias carry their parents out of burning Catana, David brings his parents to the king of Moab, Elisha's farewell meal with his father, mother and friends, Kristuksen esivanhemmat ja vanhemmat, Marian ja Joosefin kumarrus, Mary as bride taking leave of her parents, Samson and his parents on their journey to Timnath, Samson gives some of the honey he found in the lion's carcass to his parents, Samson requests his parents' permission; they oppose his choice, St. Alexis is found dead under the stairs by his parents and his fiancée (sometimes also the pope present who pulls a letter out of Alexis' fingers), Susanna, Joakim, and her parents and relatives praise the Lord, absence of parental love, appivanhemmat, child teaching teacher, parents, or other adults, child(ren) with one or both parents and one or more members of the preceding generation (family group), devout Mary together with her parents; angels, and perhaps God the Father present, family group, especially parents with their child(ren), gifts of clothing, gold and jewellery are offered to Rebekah's parents, isovanhemmat, isovanhemmat, lapset, man presenting his fiancée to his parents, parental agreement ~ marriage, parental blessings and admonitions, parental care, parents of the ruler, perhe-elämä, vanhemmat lastensa kanssa, requesting the bride's parents' permission, rescuing parents (in particular carrying on the back), sijaisvanhemmat, sukupolvet, the discontented parents of a young disciple of Andrew's set fire to the house where the apostle and others are gathered, the foundling or the adopted child searching for its parents, the parents of the young pilgrim tell the story to the judge; when he does not believe them, roasted chickens on the table come to life and fly away, the recognition (of foundling by the parents), vanhemmat (perheen ensimmäisen asteen sukulaissuhteet), yksinhuoltajat
nimi föräldrar, parents, vanhemmat
on sama kuin Vanhemmat
prefLabel föräldrar, parents, vanhemmat
suppeampi käsite isäpuolet, isät, ottovanhemmat, sijaisvanhemmat, äidit, äitipuolet
vastaa keyword174340958694, p300025930, p4074, vanhemmat, vanhemmat
yläluokka perheenjäsenet

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