käsite, YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: kipu
The bodily and emotional experience consisting of physiological and affective responses to an undesirable event. Often serves as a warning mechanism that protects an organism from the threat of injury or potential injury by stimulating a withdrawing response from harmful stimuli.
Iconclass-tunnus | 31 A 46 1 |
altLabel | särky, värk |
definedConcept | Y2084 |
id | 300055182 |
kuvaus | The bodily and emotional experience consisting of physiological and affective responses to an undesirable event. Often serves as a warning mechanism that protects an organism from the threat of injury or potential injury by stimulating a withdrawing response from harmful stimuli. |
laajempi käsite | kosketus, sairaudet, taudit |
liittyy | Hercules, raging with pain, hurls Lichas into the sea, Jehoram, struck with a disease of the intestines, dies in agony, Tuska, Suru, Surumielisyys; 'Dolore', 'Dolore di Zeusi' (Ripa), a prophet asks a fellow prophet to hit him: the first one refuses and is subsequently killed by a lion; a second one hits and hurts him, hammassärky, iskias, kipu, koliikki, päänsärky, the awls of St. Crispin and Crispinian miraculously return to the executioners, and hurt them |
nimi | kipu, pain, smärta |
on sama kuin | Kipu, not 31A461 |
prefLabel | kipu, pain, smärta |
suppeampi käsite | kuume |
vastaa | kipu, p14193, p300055182 |
yläluokka | oireet |