MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, asiasana, AAT-käsite: kronikat
Use for histories in which events are described in chronological order. For records of events in yearly sequence but less connected or filled out by commentary or interpretation, use "annals."
Use for records of events arranged in yearly sequence, usually without comment or interpretation by the compiler. For more connected and full descriptions of events in chronological order, use "chronicles."
AAT-näkymä | Genre |
Kaunokki-tunnus | 44179 |
definedConcept | Y2360 |
id | 300026361, 300202518 |
koodi | 44179 |
kuuluu sanastoon | kaunokki-ontologia |
kuvaus | , Use for histories in which events are described in chronological order. For records of events in yearly sequence but less connected or filled out by commentary or interpretation, use "annals.", Use for records of events arranged in yearly sequence, usually without comment or interpretation by the compiler. For more connected and full descriptions of events in chronological order, use "chronicles." |
laajempi käsite | historiikit |
liittyy | Ahasuerus being sleepless, has the court records read to him, an account of the plot against King Ahasuerus is written in the chronicles of the kingdom, historiankirjoitus, history-book, e.g.: chronicle, annal |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | annals, chronicles, kronikat, kronikka, krönikor |
on sama kuin | p300202518 |
prefLabel | chronicles, kronikat, krönikor |
vastaa | keyword174340246957, kronikat, kronikka, p11598, p300026361 |
yläluokka | kirjalliset teokset, kirjallisuus |