MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: ajanlasku, kronologia
Discipline that arranges time into periods or divisions, and places events in the sequence in which they occurred, either at a defined point or period in time, or in relation to an established time sequence.
Documents listing dates, time periods, or events in chronological order.
Iconclass-tunnus | 23 U |
definedConcept | Y6519 |
id | 300056104, 300252008 |
kuvaus | , Discipline that arranges time into periods or divisions, and places events in the sequence in which they occurred, either at a defined point or period in time, or in relation to an established time sequence., Documents listing dates, time periods, or events in chronological order. |
laajempi käsite | aika, cross- and interdisciplinary fields, lists by form or function |
liittyy | ajanlasku, ajanlasku, kronologia, geological-chronological division; historical geology, iänmääritys |
luoja | Museoalan asiasanasto |
nimi | ajanlasku, kronologia, chronologies, chronology, kronologi, kronologia |
on sama kuin | not 23U, p300056104, p300252008 |
practitioners students | chronologists |
prefLabel | chronology, kronologi, kronologia |
related to | ajanlasku, kronologia, history-related disciplines, periodization |
suppeampi käsite | (instruments for) measurement of time, biokronologia, calendar, almanac, dendrokronologia |
vastaa | kronologia, kronologia, p7785 |
yläluokka | menetelmät |