käsite, YSO-käsite, Avainsana, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: psykiatria
Branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders, especially as originating in endogenous causes or as resulting from problematic interpersonal relationships. For the general science of human and animal mind, emotions, and behavior, healthy as well as unhealthy, use "psychology."
Iconclass-tunnus | 49 G 72 |
altLabel | mielitautioppi |
definedConcept | Y8925 |
id | 300054521 |
kuvaus | Branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders, especially as originating in endogenous causes or as resulting from problematic interpersonal relationships. For the general science of human and animal mind, emotions, and behavior, healthy as well as unhealthy, use "psychology." |
laajempi käsite | lääketiede, psychology and psychiatry |
liittyy | mielisairaala, psykiatria |
nimi | psychiatry, psykiatri, psykiatria |
on sama kuin | not 49G72 |
prefLabel | psychiatry, psykiatri, psykiatria |
related to | behavior and mental disorders, psykiatrit, psykologia |
suppeampi käsite | psychoanalysis, 'on the couch' |
vastaa | p300054521, p4372, psykiatria, psykiatria |
yläluokka | lääketiede |