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Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: tricycles


Three-wheeled vehicles, usually of light open framework construction, either powered by the rider or by a small motor and built after about 1869; for similar lightweight manually powered vehicles, but without comfort- or speed-enhancing features, constructed prior to about 1870, prefer "velocipedes." For three-wheeled automobiles, use either "three-wheelers" or "cyclecars."

Iconclass-tunnus 46 C 12 52
id 300212989
kuvaus Three-wheeled vehicles, usually of light open framework construction, either powered by the rider or by a small motor and built after about 1869; for similar lightweight manually powered vehicles, but without comfort- or speed-enhancing features, constructed prior to about 1870, prefer "velocipedes." For three-wheeled automobiles, use either "three-wheelers" or "cyclecars."
laajempi käsite passenger vehicles, polkupyörä
nimi tricycle, tricycles
on sama kuin not 46C1252
related to three-wheelers, tricyclists, velocipedes
suppeampi käsite carrier-tricycle

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