31 E 12
laajempi käsite
'caladrius', 'charadrius' (fabulous bird),
Alexander at the deathbed of Statira, Darius' wife,
Augustus at the deathbed of Cleopatra,
Joseph on his deathbed; Christ and Mary present,
Mattathias on his deathbed instructing his sons (1 Maccabees 2:49-70),
Neitsyt Marian kuolema, Neitsyt Marian kuolonuneen nukkuminen: Maria kuolinvuoteellaan; apostolit kerääntyneenä hänen ympärilleen (evankelista Johannes kuvattuna toisinaan nukkumassa tai uneksumassa),
Sardanapaloksen kuolema: ennenkuin hän polttaa itsensä palatsissaan kaikkien aarteidensa kanssa, hän tapattaa haareminsa ja hevosensa,
Tabitha on her deathbed,
an angel playing the violin appears to St. Francis of Assisi; Francis perhaps on his sickbed, deathbed, or meditating in the open air,
artist on his deathbed,
artist on his deathbed,
death of Alexander: Alexander on his deathbed,
death of Epaminondas: he refuses to have the lance in his body withdrawn,
death of Eudamidas: on his deathbed, having no money, he entrusts his mother and daughter to the good care of his two friends; the testament of Eudamidas,
death of Germanicus Caesar: he is lying on his deathbed, his wife Agrippina grieving at his bedside, and his friends swearing to avenge his death,
death of Mark Antony: he dies after having stabbed himself: Cleopatra grieves at his bedside,
death of Scylurus: the Scythian king, on his deathbed, enjoins his eighty sons to break a bundle of rods (or arrows) tied together; when they can't do this, he breaks the rods one by one, thus teaching them that united they will be strong, divided weak,
death of Tobit: on his deathbed he speaks to Tobias and his seven sons (Tobit 14),
lying in state,
naispuoliset pyhimykset,
person on deathbed having his possessions destroyed,
priest at the bed of a dying person ~ extreme unction,
sielu erkanee ruumiista pienen ihmisolennon hahmossa,
the death of Raymond Diocrès: on his deathbed the tutor of St. Bruno sees his own condemnation; young Bruno is converted,
the miraculous gathering of the apostles: each of them is brought on a cloud to Mary on her deathbed,
the soul during death
suppeampi käsite
death struggle, inquiet death; fear of death,
death with faith (peaceful death) versus death without faith (fear of death),
peaceful dying, happy death