käsite, YSO-käsite, Concept, AAT-käsite: alttoviulu
Alto members of the violin family tuned a fifth below the violin; it is structurally identical with the violin but of longer body and string length.
altLabel | altviolin |
definedConcept | Y6609 |
id | 300042225 |
kuvaus | Alto members of the violin family tuned a fifth below the violin; it is structurally identical with the violin but of longer body and string length. |
laajempi käsite | violin family instruments |
liittyy | viola, violoncello; double bass |
nimi | alttoviulu, viola, viola, violas |
on sama kuin | p300042225 |
prefLabel | alttoviulu, viola, viola |
semTag | alttoviulu |
users producers | violists |
vastaa | alttoviulu, p14228, p288 |
yläluokka | jousisoittimet |