käsite, YSO-käsite: keittäminen
altLabel | keitto |
definedConcept | Y21725 |
liittyy | Elisha kills a pair of oxen, and boils their flesh with the wood of the yoke, Manius Curius Dentatus, while cooking a simple meal at his hearth, refuses the gifts of the Samnites, cooked foodstuffs, ruoanlaitto, kokkaaminen, ruoanvalmistus, the Angelkitchen: while cooking St. Di(a)dacus is lifted off the earth in ecstasy; angels continue his cooking for him, the fish is cooked and eaten ~ Tobias' journey to Ecbatana |
nimi | boiling, keittäminen, kokning |
prefLabel | boiling, keittäminen, kokning |
vastaa | keittaminen, p9626 |
yläluokka | toisenlaiseksi muuttaminen |