YSO-käsite, Iconclass-luokkakäsite, AAT-käsite: yksityisoikeus
Body of private law that has developed from the Roman law in states where the legal system is substantially Roman but has been influenced by Germanic, ecclesiastical, and purely modern institutions.
Iconclass-tunnus | 44 G 4 |
definedConcept | Y6321 |
id | 300054414 |
kuvaus | Body of private law that has developed from the Roman law in states where the legal system is substantially Roman but has been influenced by Germanic, ecclesiastical, and purely modern institutions. |
laajempi käsite | laki ja oikeudenkäyttö, oikeus |
liittyy | julkisoikeus |
nimi | civil law, privaträtt, yksityisoikeus |
on sama kuin | not 44G4 |
prefLabel | civil law, privaträtt, yksityisoikeus |
suppeampi käsite | barratry (excessive litigation, vexatious litigation or incitement to it), fine ~ civil law, forced sale, litigation, legal proceedings, lawsuit, mediation, arbitration, conciliation ~ civil law, notaries, seizure of goods |
vastaa | p300054414, p8302 |
yläluokka | oikeus |