käsite, YSO-käsite, AAT-käsite: diagrammit
Graphic designs that explain rather than represent.
definedConcept | Y827 |
id | 300015387 |
kuvaus | Graphic designs that explain rather than represent. |
laajempi käsite | graphic document genres |
liittyy | death of Archimedes: the mathematician is killed by a soldier while drawing a diagram in the sand; 'Noli turbare circulos meos', family lineage, pedigree, genealogical tree or table, graafinen esitys, statistic diagram, graph; pictorial chart, etc., tree as a scheme of relations, diagram in form of a tree |
nimi | diagram, diagrammi, diagrammit, diagrams |
prefLabel | diagram, diagrammit, diagrams |
vastaa | diagrammi, p300015387, p5568 |
yläluokka | yhteiskunnalliset tuotokset |