MAO-käsite, käsite, YSO-käsite: isojako
date | 17.11.2003 |
definedConcept | Y7785 |
liittyy | 'serra' (fish with enormous fins), King Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a great statue, Largeness, Magnitude, jättiläiset, monsters larger than normal, monsters with parts, limbs, organs, etc. larger than normal, parts, limbs and organs larger than normal, parts, limbs and organs larger than normal, parts, limbs and organs larger than normal, the he-goat 'waxed very great' ~ Daniel's visions, the three Wise Men see a star and are astonished by its magnitude, the world empires symbolized by a large statue of various materials (Daniel ch. 2) |
luoja | ekm, Suvi Kettula |
nimi | general parcelling out of land, iso, isojako, storskifte |
prefLabel | general parcelling out of land, isojako, storskifte |
vastaa | iso, isojako, p13885 |
yläluokka | maanjako |